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Dealing with Conflicts in Mental Health

Dealing with Conflicts in Mental Health
"""Why do people get into disputes?

No matter the origin of the conflict, resolution before the situation escalates is crucial.When addressing conflicts, a key step is focus on the issue, not the person.Having different goals and styles can actually promote innovative solutions, creativity, and help bring about change.However, negative results happen when conflicts are associated with blame, anger, and grudges.

What actions can a boss take?

The root cause may come from any number of sources, so when looking into workplace conflicts, be sure to look for them.Strategies to effectively address workplace conflicts include::Do: Encourage employees to seek constructive resolution for conflicts. Clarify exactly what the problem is. Recognize that for most situations, there is an objective (factual) version of events and a subjective (persona) version of events.

What are some informal methods for resolving disputes?

Employees may wish to try discussing the situation with the person (or people) they are in conflict with, or they may wish to ask for help from other people. If the issue is not serious or severe, resolution process can come from within the employee's department, if possible. If the employee feels uncomfortable raising the issue, the situation should be brought to the attention of the relevant parties (s).

What other conflict-resolution advice do you have?

Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes so that you can better understand how to handle the situation. Request his or her advice. Reiterate what you believe the other person is asking or telling you in order to clarify what you are hearing. Accept criticism in a constructive manner. When a complaint might be true, use statements like ""you are probably right"" or ""it was my fault."" If the criticism seems unwarranted, ask for clarification. Be honest. Do not lie.

Describe mediation.

Resolving conflicts works best when people are calm and can shift the focus to the issue instead of the people. Mediation is a more formal way to come to an understanding of the issue(s). The mediator should be someone who does not have an emotional stake in the outcome. Mediators may be from within the company, or a professional from outside.

What procedures are followed during mediation?

After everyone has calmed down, schedule a meeting between the parties involved in the conflict. The cooling down period is crucial as it will help disassociate the emotions from the issues. Choose an appropriate time and location where everyone feels comfortable speaking openly. Make sure that everyone in the meeting is aware that they are invited to help resolve the conflict. Have people take turns outlining their position, issues, or feelings. They should not be rushed.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Dealing with Conflicts in Mental Health" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 336 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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