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Seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness
JoelVasquezDate: Tuesday, 02 August 2011, 7:29 AM | Message # 1
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It is written, seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these "things" shall be added unto you..

Have you found the kindgom of heaven in earth? Did you received the "things" that go with it? Did you find the roadmap leading to the treasures? Some points to ponder....

As it is written, A.S.K. Ask, seek and knock, in relation to the above --did you find what you were asking for?
adminDate: Tuesday, 02 August 2011, 9:08 AM | Message # 2
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Quote (JoelVasquez)
Have you found the kingdom of heaven in earth?

Yes. We might be different in point of views regarding the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth. In my understanding, the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth is the Kingdom built by Christ in which Christ is the King and his disciples are the people of the Kingdom. This Kingdom is governed by righteousness and bound by God's law. Whoever violates the law will be punished and brought outside the Kingdom.

You'll know you're inside this Kingdom if you know and follow Christ law.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
Did you received the "things" that go with it?
Yes, those blessings brought by God everyday: breath of life, spiritual and material blessings, good family, good friends and healthy body, healthy relationships and all positive things that come into my life.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
Did you find the roadmap leading to the treasures?
Yes. The roadmap is the words of God written in the Bible. Histories in the Bible proved it that those who follow God will be blessed and those who disobey Him will be cursed. The treasures are God's blessings in any form. Most of the time, those most precious treasures come unexpectedly.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
Ask, seek and knock
In order to receive what you want in life, you must ASK for it. Ask anything that is according to God's rules and it will be given to you. But it's not enough just to merely ASK. You must SEEK and KNOCK for what you ASK. SEEKING AND KNOCKING express an action to take. Take ACTION to receive what you've ASK it shall be given to you - the treasures that you want in life.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
did you find what you were asking for?
Some things are given to me and some are not. God knows what's best for us. He will give what you want in life because it's needed and it's best for you.

Some of the things that I'm currently wishing and dreaming of are not yet happening but in faith I believe it will happen through God's grace. I'll keep it in mind what you've said JoelVasquez, "A.S.K."

How about you? How do you conceptualize the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth? What are your presumptions regarding what you've said?
JoelVasquezDate: Wednesday, 03 August 2011, 0:45 AM | Message # 3
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The kingdom of heaven in earth - is the search for "spiritual understanding and maturity". Thus, "seek first" - in other words, finding the "kingdom" means gaining spiritual knowledge and attaining wisdom, peace and love in your heart and mind. Obviously this has to be coupled with "righteousness", in fact when you are able to attain such level of understanding-maturity and really get to experience this first hand, nothing of material is of any importance to you. I have known people who have attained such - perhaps and some are like - yogi's - I know I still have a long way to go in my journey as I tend to cling on the troubled low-life attitude and discipline. --

Life is like magic-wherein you will experience things that may be thought of as miracles or impossible scenarios when this things will be given unto you. Life can be a cliff-hanger but you will be amazed of how you get through the difficulties and obstacles and you will realize the difference when you are well under His protection. You have better control of your environment and seemingly unfortunate things will always work for good.

Before JC left his disciples- He said to them, go and preach and do not be afraid, you cannot be poisoned or snake-bites will not harm you, hence, you get certain "previledges" that normally others do not avail of. However, life of His disciples was never that easy and most died violently. Most welcomed death, because they have reached a level of experience/understanding/wisdom and attained power such that material possession meant nothing to them anymore. You will learn to look at the world at a new perspective with new values and priorities.

Each person may have his own approach in seeking the kingdom- some go for the bible, prayer meetings, counseling, meditation, yoga and depending on their religion-exposure and orientation, for many are lost as well, resort to drugs, some desperate commit suicide when there is a feeling of total loss- some go crazy...some cling to materials possessions..as a sense of security..

Khen, it looks like you are close to your attunement and always aligned or connected/linked - that way, with what you have shared testimony would serve as an inspiration to others who are in search for more meaning and subtle-excitement in life.
adminDate: Wednesday, 03 August 2011, 1:08 AM | Message # 4
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Part of spiritual maturity is to be aware of God's words and plans. The truth is before I go to bed, I'm reflecting what I've done the whole day. I always ask myself, "Are my actions brought me near to my dreams in life and to God?" I'm always thinking how am I gonna contribute more to the community, to be fruitful in my own little ways.

I hope God will not abandoned me especially when there are times I'm in hopelessness and despair because of this long path or journey I've chosen towards my dreams and fulfillment in life. For God knows what's inside my heart. And it's one of my greatest plans to be part in the Kingdom of Heaven.
JoelVasquezDate: Wednesday, 03 August 2011, 7:51 AM | Message # 5
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Khen, perhaps you belong to the 20% but for most people (80% - including myself-perhaps) connect material success or judge success in what have been materially accumulated either by honest or dishonest ways. I have observed - Filipinos in general view a persons success in wealth and connects this to "credibility and integrity", hence, there is always this "over-drive" work to push and push, wherein it is written in the bible - that it is like chasing the wind (when you drive towards material pleasures) There are many passages and parables that tell us the futility of all these material pleasures - is but fleeting and could also be lost in just a flick of the finger.

One serious health issue in the family can drain all that has been accumulated and start building up debts beyond...hence, it is not only losing all but being on the negative, I have seen families lose all what they have, sell what they have and still have so much debt. Even Filipino leadership - with all their money still lose their health with illnessess, with all the money they have - when things are taken back, it is just impossible to hold on to these material things.

This message of the bible - has always struck fear in my heart - and we should redirect our efforts in establishing our priorities as to which one goes first. And in our hearts, I believe we all know the answer but at times get blinded by what glitters around us.

Wishing and praying for all, be blessed and be a blessing....

Message edited by JoelVasquez - Wednesday, 03 August 2011, 7:48 PM
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