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Taking Herbal Capsules vs. Eating Pure Herbal Plants
adminDate: Monday, 25 June 2012, 10:32 AM | Message # 1
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Are there any differences if you take a herbal capsule than eating pure herbal plants? Given that there are two nutritional product you are going to eat which has the same amount of nutrient and weight: one is herbal capsule and the other one is the herbal plant. Which is more beneficial or advantageous?

Is eating pure organic herbal plants more beneficial than taking herbal capsule.
JoelVasquezDate: Monday, 25 June 2012, 10:35 PM | Message # 2
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Quote (khen)
Are there any differences if you take a herbal capsule than eating pure herbal plants? Given that there are two nutritional product you are going to eat which has the same amount of nutrient and weight: one is herbal capsule and the other one is the herbal plant. Which is more beneficial or advantageous?

Is eating pure organic herbal plants more beneficial than taking herbal capsule.

Anything that is processed and coming from nature is not the same as what nature has provided. The freshness and the natural enzymes that interact with your saliva and processed by your digestive system assimilated by the body has a different effect on the richness and purity of what nature has provided. Herbs are life and can give life...herbal capsule - we'll it can but not like the real thing.

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food - Hipocrates
norm17Date: Thursday, 28 June 2012, 10:50 AM | Message # 3
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Quote (khen)
Are there any differences if you take a herbal capsule than eating pure herbal plants? Given that there are two nutritional product you are going to eat which has the same amount of nutrient and weight: one is herbal capsule and the other one is the herbal plant. Which is more beneficial or advantageous?

Is eating pure organic herbal plants more beneficial than taking herbal capsule.

yes...eating pure herbal plants is more effective than taking a herbal capsule because this is already processed.
JoelVasquezDate: Thursday, 28 June 2012, 12:15 PM | Message # 4
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Sugar cane in natural form is nutritious, healthy and many say good for the teeth. Refined sugar is a dangerous food. Brown sugar is a compromise, between the good and the bad.
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