We as a country, the Philippines is a very very very rich country. I don't think most of the Filipinos are aware of that. We are the only country in this planet we call earth that is so blessed so uniquely with richness in resources, manpower and a very uniquely designed islands - 7000 islands distinct and each unique. A country with so much resources in both natural, intellectual and capability to achieve. A country that is so rich in opportunity that indeed there should be no hunger or poverty, these words should be something that should be unheard off.
Where ever you are located in this country, it won't take perhaps an hour or two hours to travel to the nearest point of the sea. That is, the shortest distance between a person from the mountain top perhaps would only take a few hours then you can be beside the sea. To the people of Tudela perhaps 30 minutes? Get there now beside the sea and see at what is in front of you. You are facing a vast amount of natural resource waiting to be developed. The sea water. A water so rich in minerals and nutrients, that we do not need any fertilizer in the world to propagate food. We are truly sustainable as a country. Israel has turned the desert into a "food producing" place. Do we need to be a scientist to figure out how they did that? There are billions thrown away by our leaders going to the drain that can turn this very rich island we call our home to be the richest nation in the planet. The people of Singapore do not have any resources but was able to turn their city state into a power country. The technology is there, the people are there, God has already provided everything. What are we waiting for?Added (13-October-2013, 9:15 PM)
As I understand Israel region used to be a desert. Somehow by God's grace, was able to turn this desert land into an agricultural paradise. Italian company sending seeds to plant in Israel to ensure continued supply for winter. Interestingly, brings to mind questions such as can we also grow potato that we can be proud of?. Israel was able to make something out of nothing. We are making nothing out of something that we have. I wish and pray to see the day, that European countries will also do business with us. Treat us with dignity and not merely as their maids and caregivers. Export products we can be proud of. Produced in the Philippines. Products that knows no winter. Something that we have taken for granted. We are a living paradise 25/7/365 no such thing as winter. Let us make it truly one.