Home made Auxiliary filter - Having difficulty balancing and getting the right quality of water for the fish, we have this home made auxiliary filter and it is self cleaning suitable for handicaps, just purge and system. Collect the dirty water to be used for your plants or connect the discharged effluent to the bio-filter for further processing.
Added (30-October-2013, 11:40 PM)
This filtration system is the key element in designing the natural sea water desalination system using Tidal Energy.
Added (31-October-2013, 10:40 PM)
Many thanks for your interest. The internal design(simple and will release the design when the timing is perfect) is intended to be a "prototype" for the natural sea water desalination that will be powered by Tidal energy. We shall use abundant local indigenous materials(filter media) that are readily available ( DE diatomacous earth can be used as well) and finally collect "processed water". that can be used for "irrigation" or aquaponics. (FREE HYDROPONICS nutrient from the sea - free NATURAL fertilizer with at least 72 minerals !!!). The processed water for drinking will have a carbon filter type of locally produced cartridge. We don't need to buy the expensive filters we import because the activated carbon(main ingredient) is actually produced in the Philippines. We have so much resources waiting for us to play around with. Can you imagine FREE water for your pond and the effluent can be used in so many ways!!! We can beat our neighbors when producing FISH by the billions.
Added (01-November-2013, 0:02 AM)
Sustainability defined. The plants feed the fish and the fish feeds the plant. We have to be very innovative in our feeding and being able to produce our own feeds. Do away with traditional farming and we will be able to compete against world tilapia producers. Why buy feeds when the fish can produce it for you!!! FREE. We are testing ipil-ipil leaves, use it as their snacks. The worst thing that can happen if you make a mistake is you get to eat your mistake for lunch. You get fed while learning.
Added (01-November-2013, 7:14 PM)
Collecting the exhaust of the "electric - diesel driven generator" producing co2 and feed in bottles of microalgae. Producing electricty and feeds at the same time. If we can collect all the CO2 from the power plant and feed this to the microalgae plastic bottles then we can produce tons of almost free fish feeds. Does that make sense?