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Commandment is a Law
JoelVasquezDate: Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 7:40 AM | Message # 1
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For those who believe that God gave us 10 commandments - as guidance-rules to follow do you think that there is a penalty for the infraction of the "law" or "commandment". A law cannot be a law if there is no penalty, I think every lawyer knows that. Hence,
a. Is there really such thing as penalty? Varying degree? First offense, 2nd offense?
b. What do you think are the penalties, if there is such a thing?
c. Would you rather pay it now or later after death, (Sin now pay later)
d. What do you think are the "incentives" for those who comply with the law-(law abiding citizens)?
e. How do we "payback" penalties, assuming we can pay our debts?
Share your thoughts- Ano say mo?
adminDate: Tuesday, 12 July 2011, 9:25 AM | Message # 2
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(Thread has been moved to Religion Forum section)

Those are hard questions with deep answers. surprised

Quote (JoelVasquez)
Is there really such thing as penalty? Varying degree? First offense, 2nd offense?

Yes. It is stated in the Bible, "you reap what you sow".

Varying degree? Yes. God punished people according to the weight or level of their sins. As the Bible said, "a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye". It is unlawful to punish a person who has less offense ("stealing") with greater penalty (death penalty). God is just and righteous. He is the main author of justice.

First offense, 2nd offense? Yes, God is very patient with the sinners. God allowed some of them no to be punished right away because He gives chances for them to repent their sins. But when the offense is so great and repetitive, God will not allow no to condemned and penalized the sinner.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
What do you think are the penalties, if there is such a thing?
It is being said, "a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye". It depends on the level of sin the person committed. But one main penalty that humanity succumb is the death (death in the lake of fire) because of the sin of our grandparents, Adan and Eve. But God is so good and righteous that He brought us His son and saviour, Jesus Christ. That through Jesus Christ, man can be saved from the death in the lake of fire.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
Would you rather pay it now or later after death, (Sin now pay later)
. No. God also punishes sinners while they are alive. It's been stated and testified in the Bible throughout the history from the first man (Adan and Eve), through the time of Abraham, time of the prophets, time of the kings, time of Christ, and until now that God punishes people who sinned to Him. "Esau", brother of Jacob, lost his right to be the heir because he doesn't value his right. Instead he trade his right to be the eldest with just a plate of food from Jacob. Another Biblical figures who sinned and have been punished are King David and King Solomon. King David had an adulterous affair with a beautiful woman Bath-seba. And he allowed Bathseba's husband (Uriah) to be killed in war by putting Uriah in the front row of the battle. Due to King David's sins, God doesn't allowed him to build the temple and God jeopardized his kingdom - his kingdom was divided into two later. King Solomon also committed numerous adulterous acts. He has 700 wives and 300 concubines. Some of his wives are non-Israelites. It's a sin to marry non-Israelites. He also worship idols adored by his wives. That's why God divided his kingdom. There are other numerous Biblical references that shows punishment for the sinners while they are alive.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
What do you think are the "incentives" for those who comply with the law-(law abiding citizens)?

They will be honored, will serve as good example to others and God will bless them according to their level of goodness.

Quote (JoelVasquez)
How do we "payback" penalties, assuming we can pay our debts?

With all our heart, repent. And do even more good deeds than ever before. Put God first in all our ways. All the things, the blessings and our needs will just come to us surprisingly.

This is a tough discussion right here.
JoelVasquezDate: Wednesday, 13 July 2011, 9:11 AM | Message # 3
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Very interesting inputs - straightforward and stimulating for thoughts....let me zoom-out for the bigger picture. The law was "assigned" to the Isralites as the "chosen people" to set an example - although we may not be familiar with other "religions" and their tradition- the basic principles are there whether they are hindu's, muslims, taoist, etc., This principles are love of neighbor, charity, and differs as to whom to honor, just like our ancestors or aborigines in the Philipines, they had their own version of "God"-and serves as the common denominator of all religion. Unfortunately, despite this basic principles, we hardly see these things practiced in the Philippines-not sure if you would agree. That is because after all these teachings-preachings, I or we see so much poverty, corruption, killing, massacre and all othe evils of society. It seems the message/teachings are not getting across to most of the people. A total contradiction to the teachings...

So, having replied above- a to e, obviously you are aware of the rules of the game; therefore, "if" you were God, having given already your rules, with assigned leaders to guide and preach these rules, it seems nothing is getting any better,( would you agree(?)) What would you do? For a moment - you have a chance to "play God". What is the action plan...
adminDate: Wednesday, 13 July 2011, 9:55 AM | Message # 4
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I can't place myself as "God". Even, we, human beings, deviate ourselves from being human to non-human through our evil deeds. "Madali maging tao pero mahirap magpakatao". I don't know what could be the action plan. Our knowledge as a human being is limited. God is omnipotent and omniscient. Only God sees the future and knows what's good for it. Man even in his greatest attempt, can't solve the problems of the society. As love dominates for some people, so does hate. Even if all people are best taught about love, hate (jealous, envy, boastful, selfishness, etc.) on other side can't avoid to not appear in our heart. Judas Iscariot is an apostle of Christ but what happened to him? Not only that. Apostle Peter lied to Christ. They are apostles. The term "apostle" is not just an ordinary designation but a very special designation appointed by Christ. But look at them. Even if the best preacher (except from Christ) in the world preaches about love, hate will and will always dominate in him while we are in this world.

Even in the world of heaven, do you know that hate or evil still plays in their midst? Before the universe is created, evil existed. Look at Lucifer or Satan. He belongs to the special forces of angels, who is an archangel. But Satan is not contented with himself. There's jealousy and hatred in his heart. He wants to level with God.

Leaders, governors, preachers are just instruments of God to neutralize the imbalance order of the whole society. All these things that are happening in our world is God's plan. What we can do is to obey and worship Him because we are just creations of Him. Just play our part to His plan.

If you are God, what could be your action plan?
JoelVasquezDate: Thursday, 21 July 2011, 5:05 PM | Message # 5
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Agree, just play our part according to his plan. Shakespeare already mentioned that, "the world is a stage where everyone has a role to play and mine a sad one", The plan was already there since the begining, but it is a dynamic process, sort of a "reality TV". Some follow the directors orders, some forget their roles, some gets a miscue and make their own style - creativity, some improvise, and some challenge the "Supreme Director".

Indeed our daily lives is a struggle of good and evil, protagonist and antagonist. Many think that freewill is a gift from God, but the reality is, it was his ex-right hand guy who gave the challenge to allow freewill.

During his coup-de-etat, and showdown, the ex-righthand guy ask for this to allow freewill and let the angels-and all in heaven decide amongst themselves, whether they go for the Big-boss or Luci..

Having said that, we now know that freewill is a gift from Luci, giving him the leeway to do as he wish to keep us away from the Big-boss. As Luci said, if they are really for you no matter what Luci will do they will reject Luci... The Big-boss knowing our weaknesses has provided us 24/7 Security 12 hour shift- Guardian Angels to protect us from abuse as long as we are in the right way we are covered.

In effect, there is no plan action required - what is happening was already part of the "main plot", but our role is just to help remind people that there is such a "Big-Boss" and at the end of the day, we will all be accountable for what we have done or did not do. It is performance base. JC, I will cut the branches of the unproductive vine., in the parable of the talents - the "Big-Boss" expects returns on his investment (ROI), the Big-boss is a shrewd businessman.

Build up riches in heaven, not in earth, that will rust, or eaten by the moth - Build up our deposits in out ATM, so we can withdraw when we need, pay our telephone bills - so we can have a hotline with the "Big-Boss"

Added (21-July-2011, 5:05 PM)
Penalty for commiting adultery - was death in the O.T., JC was more forgiving and gave the woman a chance to repent, however, JC left his guidelines and said, that it is better to "pluck" the eyes - if it would cause you to sin (looking at the woman with lust) rather than losing your soul. That was how very very very serious these offense of "adultery" is. Hence, if you watch all those gyrating women in the TV - shows being shown to children, can you imagine what amount of penalty is due to us. Every sex act committed equates to hundreds of millions of points lost - deducted from our ATM.

When you calls for prayers-petition remain unanswered then, check you ATM account in heaven.

Dukeza_GrazildaDate: Thursday, 21 July 2011, 9:46 PM | Message # 6
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I would like to add more commentaries but I guess mr. Khen already said it.. I agree to him and to you as well Mr. Joel..It makes me think ...good good... biggrin biggrin biggrin
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