Step 1
Bring the needed requirements for applying a voter's id:
A valid id. It could be your birth certificate (Either NSO or Local Civil Registrar Copy), postal id, driver's license, passport id, GSIS ID, PhilHealth ID, school id, etc. You can browse a list of Philippine valid id's here. If you don't bring a valid id, the COMELEC office will not accept your voter's id application.
Here's a list of recommended valid id's required by the COMELEC Office:
- Postal ID
- Drivers license
- Students ID or library card, signed by the school authority
- Employees identification card (ID) with the signature of the employer or authorized representative
- Senior Citizens ID
- Passport
- NBI/PNP clearance
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
- License issued by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC); and
- Any other valid ID...
If you're married and both of you and your spouse will want to apply, you can bring your marriage certificate as valid ID.
Step 2
Go to the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) office. If you don't know where's the COMELEC office in your city/municipality, you can ask your neighbors or friends.
Step 3
Apply for a voter's id inside the COMELEC office. The staff will entertain you, check your valid id, and process your application.
Step 4
They will give you a voter's id application form you should fill-out correctly. You should know where you currently live. Know what street or sitio and baranggay you live. (This is very helpful for new residents)
The issuance of voter's id will take several months or even a year depending on the city/municipality.
You can see samples of voter's id in the Philippines below:


Latest version of the voter's id in the Philippines:

Voter's Identification Number (VIN)
Voter's Identification Number (VIN) refers to the number assigned by the Commission on Elections to a registered voter that shall consist of three (3) parts:
- the current address (city/municipality and province);
- the current precinct assignment of the voter; and
- the permanent birth and name code unique to every voter;
Do you want an instant or quick issuance of voter's id? How about an automated or online application of voter's id in the Philippines? Tell us in the comment below.