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How to Enroll for Technical-Vocational Education and Training Programs at DMDP Cebu

This service offers 3 to 6 months technical vocational courses such as: Industrial Trade, Information and Communication Technology, Vocational Technical Trade, garments Trade, Food Trade and Simple Technology. ( This is applicable only in Cebu, Philippines.)

(Picture) Want to avail Technical-Vocational Courses in DMDP Cebu? Follow the steps below...
Cebu City Residents

Noel G. Enriquez
Contact/Telephone Number: 254-9212

Labor and Employment Division
Department of Manpower, Development and Placement (DMDP), Ramos Public Market, Cebu City

Enrollment: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Class Schedule: Semi-annual - for Industrial (except for plumbing), Quarterly-other courses

Maximum of 1 hour and 45 minutes

  • Biodata/resume
  • Birth Certificate
  • Voter's ID/Voter's Affidavit/Voter's Certification
  • Health Certificate (for culinary arts only)
  • 1x1 ID Picture (2pcs.)
  • White folder with plastic envelope and fastener
Follow these steps...
Wait while Person-in-charge Approach
1. Visit DMDP to submit requirements Admin Officer receives and evaluates the requirements Applicant/Enrollment Officer (4 minutes)
2. Wait while the staff evaluates your requirements
3. Take the exam. Conducts examination to the applicant. 1 hour and 30 minutes - technical courses

30 minutes - vocational courses
4. Wait while the staff checks your test paper Check the examination papers (2 minutes)
5. Get passed slip from the examination-in-charge Issues pass slip to examinees who passed the exam. Admin Officer (2 minutes)
6. Proceed to the enrollment officer Informs applicant to proceed to the enrollment officer
7. Fill up the Manpower Profile Form Gives Manpower Profile Form (5 minutes)
8. Enroll. Enrolls the student applicant Enrollment Officer (2 minutes)
9. Wait until the enrollment Officer gives you the admission slip and the class schedule Issues Admission Slip with class schedule to student-applicant Enrollment Officer (1 minute)
10. Report to class according to the class schedule given    

Source: Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook
This information appeared first on the 2009 Version of the Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook published by the Cebu City Government through the efforts of the Mayor's Management Team.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Enroll for Technical-Vocational Education and Training Programs at DMDP Cebu" was written by Mary under the Cebu Services category. It has been read 25148 times and generated 33 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 July 2018.
Total comments : 33
JOEL [Entry]

Mqmjlq [Entry]

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Good day mam,

I would like to ask if there is a schedule for dressmaking course on saturday? I am currently working in Mandaue between 8:30 to 5:30 from Monday to Friday. If there is Saturday for that slot I am eager to enroll. My contact # is 0925-5845955 & our office tel # is 232-5334.

Thank you very much.

I would like to enroll in Computer Hardware and Servicing. When is the enrolment? Thank you
Anna liza duja [Entry]

Do u have care giver course?and if available how much and when the the enrolment?thnx.hopping for your respone.
Marjon Ardiente [Entry]

Good day po Kailan po ang enrolment para sa house keeping? Available pa po ba yung free?
Melojean Pacala [Entry]

Good day!

I would like to ask if baking and pastry is already included in Commercial cooking. Do you have any deadline for the enrollment? If there is , when could be the possible deadline. Lastly, How much would I pay for baking and pastry? Thank you, hoping for your quick response.
kyle bernades [Entry]

Good day ! maam/sir I would like to enroll in electrical course thank you and god bless !
primitivo bacalso [Entry]

Hi good day Sir/Maa'm,i would like to enroll as laboratory/medical technician if this is not avialable i want to enroll butchery thanks.
Rudolfo Beato Jr. [Entry]

Good morning ma'am/sir. I would like to enroll a computer programing.
Nino [Entry]

Soon i will be part of you DMDP,hope you will grant my success in the future now i am going to study,i believe to be succeed on yours are the most great to begin better life through working in big company.thanks much.more powers!!!
Ma. Rodita de lara [Entry]

Hi, good afternoon

I just wanna ask if the housekeeping course is also free...please reply because im planning to enroll for the class of august...??
Thank you...
arnelia uy [Entry]

Hello good day sir
i just want to ask how much your tuition fee for culinary course??
thank you and god bless
Peter Achivida [Entry]

good day.. i would like to inquuire if available pa ba inyung Computer Technician nga vocational course.. salamat more power...

Hello Sir. good day to you, sir i just want to ask about the requirements, on how to enrolled at DMDP?
What is the requirements? Sir Im high school level only, i did not finish my schooling for high school, but i want to school at DMDP. thank you and GODBLESS!
Yunjiro Silva Hanma [Entry]

good morning ... i had came to dmdp last month and the guard told me to come back on july .... when is the next enrollment will start ?? please reply....
daffy [Entry]

when will be the start of electrical installation class and is it free?
Lonami Onami [Entry]

Hello ... i want to enroll in culinary arts...
when is the enrollment and when will the class start?
nixon l. osain jr. [Entry]

good afternoon.
I want to study electrical. I'm from Sucat. When is the enrollment?

good noon!I want to take an exam for NCII,when shoul be the enrolment?
jeff dizon [Entry]





jiil [Entry]

do you have graphics and design course?
michael perez [Entry]

when will classes start, this quarter I'll be enrolling refrigeration/airconditioning courses...thanks
bonifacio gultiano [Entry]

i nhave question sir and mam. i graduated culinary arts last july to september 2004 i didn get my own certificate until now... is there a possibility to get my certificate? i need it so much i am going to apply cook abroad... and they need my credentials. pls let me know on how to get it into ur office? hopefully i can an answer from u. thank u so much...
Francis [Entry]

How much is if I take technical course? When is the enrollment? Can I decide to choose the schedule?
juris [Entry]

hello, do you have barista course? and Can I enroll barista and culinary at the same time.. How much is the tuition??
marilou [Entry]

Gud am mam/sir,
I ask about computer...do you hve short term classes in computer?I want to enroll...how much would the payment?thanks
ronald [Entry]

I'm ronald, Can I avail the training even if I just finished 3rd year high school. When can I work? I have no work right now.
jennevie [Entry]

tanong ko lang po magkano po ang tuition fee as vocational course lang ang kukunin ko?slamat
JUNREY [Entry]

Hello, If I finish Food Culinary, are you also the one who will accept us or me for work after finishing the course.
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