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Astronomy Fair 2012

The Pyxis Astronomy Company will conduct its 2012 Astronomy Fair.
The Fair aims to:
  1. broaden the awareness, interests, knowledge and understanding of astronomy and space science among students and teachers; and
  2. provide a unique learning experience which will hopefully inspire more students to become scientists in the future.
The target participants to this activity are pupils, students and teachers from both public and private elementary and secondary schools.

Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption-of¬classes policy as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith.

This is also subject to the no-collection policy as stated in Section 3 of Republic Act No. 5546, An Act Prohibiting the Sale of Tickets and/or the Collection of Contributions for Whatever Project or Purpose from Students and Teachers of Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities. (Ganzon Law)

For more information, interested participants may contact:

Ms. Analyn Grace B. Domingo
Manager, Pyxis Astronomy Company
#13 Miller St., Brgy. Bungad, District 1, Quezon City
Telephone No.: (02) 565-5265
Mobile Phone Nos.: 0928-520-2850; 0927-472-5511; 0932-139-6152
Email Address: analyn@pyxis .astronomy.com.ph
Website: www.pyxis.astronomy.com.ph
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"Astronomy Fair 2012" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 1473 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 16 October 2012.
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