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DepEd announces the Schedule of Free Training Workshop for Music Teachers of Special Program of the Arts (SPA)

The DepEd (Department of Education) announces that the Philippine Society for Music Education (PSME) will hold a Free Training Workshop for Music Teachers of Special Program for the Arts (SPA) public secondary schools on the following dates and venues:
Schedule of Free Training Workshop for Music Teachers of Special Program of the Arts (SPA)

April 4-8, 2011
University of San Agustin Conservatory of Music, Iloilo City
May 9-13, 2011
University of the Philippines (UP), College of Music, Diliman, Quezon City

May 23-27, 2011
Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City

The activity aims to upgrade the musical and pedagogical skills and competencies of the selected thirty (30) SPA music teachers in the Visayas, thirty (30) SPA teachers in Mindanao and fifty (50) teachers in Luzon.

For more information, contact Ms. Leticia G. Del Valle, PSME President or visit the website at http: / /www.psme-online.org.

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"DepEd announces the Schedule of Free Training Workshop for Music Teachers of Special Program of the Arts (SPA)" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 3314 times and generated 3 comments. The article was created on and updated on 28 March 2011.
Total comments : 3
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Norlyn Z. Jacob [Entry]

I wish there will be another session. it is very big opportunity for SPA teachers.
leila dy quintos [Entry]

I wish to join the said free workshop--thanks!!!