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Insulation Made of Vermiculite and Asbestos

Insulation Made of Vermiculite and Asbestos
"""Describe vermiculite.

In its native state, vermiculite is a flat, glossy (flakes), silver-gold to gray-brown mineral. Where it is located affects its composition and whether trace minerals or other pollutants are present. Around 1000 degrees Celsius causes the vermiculite ore to burst (or puff up), which releases pockets of air. This extended form is odorless, light weight, chemical resistant, and fire resistant. Vermiculite is a substance that can be used as insulation because it doesn't burn.

Is all vermiculite harmful to the body?

Health problems have not been linked to vermiculite itself. According to the information that is currently available, there is no proof that vermiculite dust free of asbestos will have any negative consequences on one's health. Workers should take precautions, though, and stay away from prolonged, high-level exposures as they would with any dust. Asbestos-free vermiculite is categorized as a product that is not regulated under WHMIS 2015 by the majority of suppliers and Quebec's provincial Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). If the vermiculite insulation did, however, contain asbestos fibers, inhaling such fibers has been linked to health problems. Zonolite® Attic Insulation, which was obtained from the Libby Mine in Montana, USA, and sold in Canada under the brand name Zonolite®, is a cause for worry. The vermiculite in this mine was contaminated with asbestos as a result of a natural asbestos deposit there. In 1990, the Libby Mine was closed. This contamination problem wasn't present at other mine sites. As a result of these variances, not every vermiculite that was sold in Canada before to 1990 includes asbestos fibers. However, it is advised to have the insulation tested before doing any work if you think your home might have vermiculite insulation because it may contain asbestos. Note that there shouldn't be a problem as long as the vermiculite-based insulation stays undisturbed within intact walls or in attic spaces and does not go airborne. Before any work (renovations, remodelling, etc.) is done to the workplace building or house, have testing performed by a qualified individual (e.g., an occupational hygienist or consultant who specializes in asbestos abatement) and send the samples to an accredited laboratory. Vermiculite is still mined and sold for applications in agriculture, packaging, and insulation, among others. Before usage, these materials are examined for the presence of asbestos.

What are the health dangers of asbestos in vermiculite?

When asbestos is inhaled into the lungs, it can have negative health effects. Lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis have all been linked to inhaling very minute, airborne asbestos fibers. If a person is exposed to greater levels of asbestos, is exposed for longer periods of time, or is exposed more frequently, they are more likely to develop disorders linked to asbestos exposure. For additional information, visit the OSH Answers on Asbestos - Health Effects.

How can the risk be reduced?

Removing or disturbing the insulation is the worst thing you can do to reduce your exposure to asbestos from vermiculite. Vermiculite fibers will go airborne if the vermiculite is moved. It's not always necessary to get rid of the asbestos in your house or place of business. The location of the asbestos and whether it can become airborne will determine if it has to be removed. Employ a qualified professional to conduct a risk assessment (such as an occupational hygienist or consultant with experience in asbestos abatement). Inhaling asbestos fibers from airborne asbestos-contaminated vermiculite is a risk for unprotected individuals or workers who renovate older buildings, disturb the vermiculate during maintenance, disturb the vermiculate during an inspection, or demolish older buildings, especially if the home was constructed before 1990. The following people are most at risk of inhaling asbestos fibers: contractors for demolition and renovation electricians, plumbers, and carpenters Real estate brokers, home inspectors, insurance adjusters, and building owners Taking the following safety measures will help stop the release of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere: Do not store items in the attic. Nobody ought to go up there. Hire a specialist to take insulation samples and have them evaluated in a lab if you want to rebuild, remodel, or destroy in a way that will disturb the insulation. Hire a qualified asbestos removal specialist who is certified and prepared to handle asbestos if the results are favorable. Without the necessary training, DO NOT handle asbestos-containing vermiculite. If you suspect asbestos, never handle or remove the insulation yourself. If you're an employee and uncertain, discuss your worries with your boss, your company, or the health and safety committee. To stop insulation from sifting through the ceiling's cracks and gaps, seal them altogether. To stop insulation from falling, caulk around light fixtures and the attic entrance. There is a chance that some insulation will stray into the walls. Window and door frames, baseboards, and the area around electrical outlets should all be caulked. Removal may go ahead without the need for additional asbestos safety measures if the sample test findings are negative and there is no asbestos threat. If you are uncertain about the work being done at your place of employment, speak with your supervisor, the committee or representative representing health and safety, or your employer. For more details, please refer to the following OSH Answers documents: Workplace Asbestos Control Strategies Contains Asbestos in the Home (chemical profile) How to Choose and Hire an OH&S Consultant

Where can I find further details?

Consult the OSH Answers publications on asbestos or the Government of Canada's website for more information.

The majority of territorial and provincial governments have laws governing asbestos removal. For more information, please get in touch with the local health and safety agency.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Insulation Made of Vermiculite and Asbestos" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 268 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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