Here are the details and mechanics of the Rizal Oratorical Competition/Contest.
I. GENERAL RULES - Subject to such changes as may be determined appropriate, the following General Rules shall apply: A. The contest is open to all Grade VI pupils enrolled during SY 2011-2012 from public and private elementary schools nationwide.
B. The oratorical piece must be original and never been published expounding on the theme: "Rizal: Hatigi Ng Sayan". It must be in Filipino and must not exceed 1000 words. Delivery must be a minimum of seven (7) minutes and maximum of ten (10) minutes. A 0.5 point per minute shall be deducted to the final score of each contestant whom shall exceed the time allotment.
C. The Criteria for Judging are as follows:
| Content
| 1. Sincerity, originality and relevance to the festival theme | 50% | ii.
| Delivery
| 1. Posture, gestures, eye contact, Facial expression, pronunciation. Volume
| 35% | iii.
| Persuasion and Stage Presence | 15%
| Total of
| 100%
D. The oration SHOULD NOT, in whole or in part, expressly and impliedly offend any race, religious freedom, against the laws of environment, honor and dignity, and against the moral standards of the Filipinos.
E. The concerned agencies have the right to publish the selected contest pieces and the right to determine other matters not included under the contest rules. F. The National Organizing Committee with the cooperating institutions and associations shall be responsible for the dissemination of the contest to all public and private elementary schools nationwide.
G. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and irrevocable.
H. Proper replacement shall be applicable in case the representatives could not attend the contest.
I. The contest will be held such times. dates. and places as will be announced later.
II. REGIONAL LEVEL COMPETITIONA. General rules shall apply.
B. The regional elimination rounds shall be conducted by the Regional Office with the presence of central office personnel. Proper paraphernalia shall be made available for the contestants by the Regional Committee.
C. Each school shall conduct a school based competition across year levels. The winner (1) of the school based competition shall proceed to the Division Level contest. Each school is entitled to one (1) representative to compete for the division level elimination rounds. The first place winner during the division level shall proceed to the regional level competition. The National Level Competition shall participated in by the regional winners - one each region.
D. The National Technical Working Committee (NTWC) and or Regional Offices shall be responsible in selecting the board of judges for the regional competition.
E. The highest pointer in the regional competition shall be declared as the First Prize winner, the second highest pointer will be declared as the Second Prize winner and the third highest pointer shall be declared as the Third Prize winner. Only the First Prize winner shall represent the region in the Grand National Finals. In case the First Prize winner could not attend the Grand National Finals, the second best in the Region shall be its representative.
F. The Department of Education (DepED) Regional Offices are enjoined to organize a regional committee which shall be chaired by the Regional Director with the Regional Special Events Coordinator and Education Supervisor (Social Studies-Elementary) as vice-chairmen, in coordination with the Chief Elementary Division and with members from the regional representatives of the cooperating institutions and associations, if there is any.
G. The regional offices through Regional Directors may allot at least Fifteen Thousand Pesos (P15,000.00) or maybe authorized to collect minimal registration fee to cover the expenses of the regional competition. The National Organizing Committee shall make suitable arrangements to ensure the provisions of prizes for the competition.
H. Travel expenses (transportation, per diem and other incidental expenses) and the board and lodging of the participants and coordinators shall be charged to local funds or may be sourced from NGO's, municipal/city funds, and civic spirited clubs and organization subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
III. GRAND NATIONAL FINALSA. General rules shall apply.
B. Representative from each region shall compose the National Level competition. The contestants who will get the highest points shall be considered the National Champion; the second prize winner; and the third highest will be declared the third prize winner, respectively.
C. The National Organizing Committee shall make the suitable arrangements to ensure the provisions of the funds necessary to carry out and implement the festival.
D. Travel expenses (transportation, per diem and other incidental expenses) of the contestants, coaches and Regional Social Studies (Elementary) Supervisor shall be charged to local funds or maybe sourced from NGO's, municipal/ city funds, and civic spirited clubs and organizations subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
E. Board and lodging of the participants and members of the National Technical Working Committee (NTWC) shall be charged to NCCA/DepED funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
F. The National Organizing Committee (NOC) shall make suitable arrangements to ensure the provisions of the prizes for the competition.
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"Rizal Oratorical Competition and Mechanics" was written by Mary under the Literature category. It has been read 9062 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 10 August 2011 and updated on 10 August 2011.