A funny show with one of the catchiest theme songs of all time (even if part of it doesn't make sense autotrophs don't drool, many heterotrophs do however) returns for its fourth season and... it may have jumped the shark. While there are some great episodes in this season
There are some shows that you know are likely going to be successful just because of the people involved. The Big Bang Theory is an excellent example of this. The show's cast has two sitcom veterans in Johnny Galecki (Roseanne) and Kaley Cuoco (8 Simple Rules). Then there's the crew. Creators (and frequent writers) Chuck Lorre (Two and a Half Men, Roseanne) and Bill Prady (Dharma & Greg) are no strangers to the sitcom genre either. The show is about a group of four geeks who live and work at CalTech. They are one day joined by a beautiful waitress (Penny, played by Kaley Cuoco) when she moves into a nearby apartment. Leonard, played by Johnny Galecki, has a thing for her right from the start. It's a pretty straightforward plot. Leonard and his roommate Sheldon are joined by two good friends, Howard and Rajesh. All four of the fellas are very intelligent, each with their own area of expertise. One of the most obvious complaints about the writing is all the geek/nerd clichés. As much as I would like to criticize the writers for this, I must admit the show works very well. http://www.worthydvd.com http://www.worthydvd.com/the-big-bang-theory-seasons-1-4-dvd-boxset.html - https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"It's A Pretty Straightforward Plot" was written by Mary under the Music category. It has been read 1642 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 08 November 2011 and updated on 08 November 2011.