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Strengthening Environmental Education in Public and Private Schools

In view of the pressing global concerns and issues on the environment, the Department of Education (DepEd) urges all public and private schools to lead the role on environmental awareness by enhancing environmental education and by pursuing effective school-based activities that seek to preserve and protect the environment. This is in pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9512, entitled "An Act to Promote Environmental Education and for Other Purposes."
Towards this end, all public and private schools shall undertake the following activities:
  1. Intensifying lessons regarding environment on all science subjects. Environmental concerns shall also be used as tools for classroom drills, discussions and activities and shall be taught and be integrated in the related learning areas;
  2. Encouraging the school administrators, officials and teachers to use various instructional materials such as books, visual aids, teaching guides and materials in making the students aware of the concerns and issues on the environment which shall promote students' participation in environmental activities and advocacies and instill in their minds the need to preserve and protect the environment;
  3. Encouraging the teachers to attend lecture-seminars, workshops, conferences and other forums relating to environmental education which may be considered in their application for promotion;
  4. Establishing the Youth for Environment in School Organizations (YES-O) pursuant to DepEd Order No. 72, s. 2003 by all public and private elementary (Grades IV-VI) and secondary schools; and
  5. Establishing, registering, monitoring and evaluating the YES-O and other related organizations, which shall be under the administration and supervision of the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA); hence, regular reports shall be submitted by the CSCA to the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects, Undersecretary for Regional Operations and Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs.
The Guidelines in the Establishment and Organization of Youth for Environment in Schools-Organizations (YES-O) is enclosed.

The Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) and Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) shall integrate environmental education including issues and concerns in their review of existing curricula.


1. All public secondary and elementary schools (for Grades IV-VI) shall establish their own YES-O and register the same with the Division Office (DO) through its Division Coordinator (as per Order No. 222, s. 2009). Likewise, private schools are encouraged to establish and register their YES-Os in the same manner.

2. The CSCA shall formulate, design and develop forms for registration, accomplishment, monitoring, evaluation reports which shall be provided to all division offices.

3. The YES-O shall help and lead the environmental activities and advocacies of their schools.

4. Students' membership shall be voluntary. No membership fee shall be collected from the students. Voluntary contributions of student-members shall be regulated to ensure that these are not excessive.

5. Subject to the rules and regulations of the schools, the YES-O may be allowed to conduct a fund raising activity within the school premises and the same shall be made only for the purpose of supporting its programs, projects and activities.

6. Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) may donate in cash or in kind to YES-O and/or join their activities without interfering with or disturbing their affairs.

7. For monitoring purposes, schools shall register their respective YES-O's at the Division Office where their school is situated on or before the 30th of June. For this school year, registration shall start on or before September 30, 2011 but not later than on October 30, 2011.

8. The following terms shall mean:
  1. YES-O - Youth for Environment in School Organization
  2. School member/registered school - a school, private or public, with a registered YES-O.
  3. Member - refers to an officially enrolled student who is a member of the YES-O.
  4. Officers - YES-O members who have been selected by a majority vote of all YES-O members in a particular school.
  5. Adviser - the school official/teacher who has been designated by the school as the adviser of the YES-O.
  6. YES-O CAPA - the YES-O Calendar of Annual Proposed Activities.
  7. YES-O    - the YES-O Annual Accomplishment Report

All concerned officials and registered schools shall observe and comply with the following Calendar of Activities:

Compliance Period
June to July
  • Designation of a YES-O Adviser 
  • Organization/Constitution and annual elections of set of YES-O officers
  • Preparation of YES-O calendar of annual proposed activities (CAPA)
  • Submission of the CAPA to the School for approval its submission to the Division Office (DO)
July 30
  • School members shall submit the following data:
    1. Total number of members for the current school year,
    2. Names and grade levels of the Set of Officers for the
      current school year,
    3. Name and Position of the Adviser [to be designated by the School Head/Principal], and
    4. Proposed Calendar of Annual Proposed Activities (CAPA)
      which shall be approved by the School Head/Principal.
    5. The proposed calendar of activities shall include activities relating to the following:
      1. Greening Program Tree Planting and Clean-Up Drive),
      2. Fire prevention and other disaster risks management,
      3. Anti-Pollution,
      4. Water Conservation,
      5. Power and energy conservation,
      6. Waste Disposal Management, and
      7. Other analogous programs, projects or activities.
  • However, for newly registered school members, they shall
    submit the above data to the DO within thirty (30) days
    from registration.
August 30
  • DOs shall submit to the Regional Office concerned the following data:
    1. The total numbers of member-schools;
    2. The total numbers of members per school; and
    3. Proposed Program of Activities (PPA) of the DO

September 30
  • ROs shall transmit a summary of the above-data to the CSCA, including its PPA.
  • However, the CSCA may request the available data anytime of the year, except the RO's and DO's PPAs which can be obtained on and after the compliance period.
February 1
  • School members shall submit an annual Accomplishment Report of its YES-O to the concerned Division Office, including the following:
    1. List of top three (3) performing members with their corresponding accomplishment reports, and
    2. Name of the adviser and his/her annual accomplishment report.
March 15
  • DOs shall select and submit to the Regional Office concerned (RO) their annual accomplishment reports, including the following:
    1. Total number of school-membersl registered schools
    2. A Recommendation of at least three (3) outstanding performers in each of the following categories:
      i.   Elementary Public Schools
      ii.  Elementary Private Schools Secondary Public Schools
      iv. Secondary Private Schools
      v.  Pupils/Students, and
      vi.  Advisers
    3. Accomplishment report of the nominees for top performing schools, student-members, and advisers.
  • Nominees for the top performing students and advisers may not necessarily belong to the nominees for the top performing schools.
  • The DOs shall also select and issue a certificate of
    recognition to the most outstanding schools,
    pupils/students and advisers.
March 30
The ROs shall submit an accomplishment report to the Secretary through the CSCA, including the following:
  1. Accomplishment report of the Division Offices,
  2. Recommendation of at least top three (3) performing Division Offices
  3. A list of recommendees for outstanding performers in following categories:
    1. 3 Pupils/Advisers from Elementary Public School
    2. 3 Pupils/Advisers from Elementary Private Schools
    3. 3 from Students/Advisers from Secondary Public Schools
    4. 3 from Students/Advisers from Secondary Private Schools
The ROs shall also select and issue a certificate of
recognition to the most outstanding schools, pupils/students and advisers.
  • DepEd-CSCA shall submit to the Secretary a consolidated accomplishment reports of the Regional Offices, including the recommendations of all ROs.
  • DepEd-CSCA shall administer the Secretary's selection processes and the issuance of certificate of recognition including the rendition of awards.
  • The Secretary shall annually select the following outstanding performers:
  1. 1. Regional Office
  2. 3 Division Offices
  3. 5 Public Elementary Schools, 5 student-members and 5 Advisers
  4. 5 Private Elementary Schools, 5 student-members and 5 Advisers
  5. 5 Public Elementary Schools, 5 student-member and 5 YES-O Advisers
  6. 5 Private Secondary Schools, 5 student-member and 5 Advisers
  • The Secretary may create an Adhoc Committe of five (5) members who shall guide him/her in the selection process, two of whom shall come from the private sector.
  • Awarding of the National Winners shall be administered by the CSCA.
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"Strengthening Environmental Education in Public and Private Schools" was written by Mary under the Schools / Universities category. It has been read 6752 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 06 July 2011.
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