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OFW-Bank -
JoelVasquezDate: Wednesday, 26 September 2012, 5:33 AM | Message # 1
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Meghalaya’s living bridges – working with nature,


How does this story above relate to OFW bank? A bank that has nothing?? For many a bank cannot exist without "capital".

For those who cannot relate and think of this as OUT of TOPIC, please allow me to explain. When people hear bridge, what immediately comes to mind is a structure composed of cement, steel, etc., designed by engineers...

If I was asked to construct a bridge, I would immediately think of the budget, cost, calculate strength etc., What if I was asked to build a bridge without budget, definitely my "training" would say - IMPOSSIBLE... to construct a bridge that would last a lifetime or even 500 years, withstand the ravages of the raging rivers and all the elements of time. Impossible if we think inside the box...

Message edited by JoelVasquez - Wednesday, 26 September 2012, 5:33 AM
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