SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office Address:
Mall of Asia Arena Annex Building Coral Way cor. J.W. Diokno Blvd., Mall of Asia Complex Brgy. 76, Zone 10, CBP 1A Pasay City, Philippines Postal code: 1300
SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office Telephone Number: (632) 831-1000; Extension 1406
Fax No.: (632)833-8991
Email address: /
Company website:
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Identification Number: AS094-000088
BIR Tax Identification No. (TIN): 003-058-789
About SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SMPH)
Established in January 6, 1994, SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SMPH) develop, conduct, operate and maintain the business of modern commercial shopping centers and all related businesses. It is the largest mall operator in the Philippines. Its main sources of revenues include rental income from leases in mall and food court, cinema ticket sales and amusement income from bowling and ice skating.
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"SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office | Telephone Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 18690 times and generated 7 comments. The article was created on 03 April 2012 and updated on 03 April 2012.