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SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office | Telephone Number

SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office Address:

Mall of Asia Arena Annex Building
Coral Way cor. J.W. Diokno Blvd.,
Mall of Asia Complex
Brgy. 76, Zone 10, CBP 1A
Pasay City, Philippines
Postal code: 1300
SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office Telephone Number: (632) 831-1000; Extension 1406

Fax No.: (632)833-8991

Email address: info@smprime.com / inquiries@smprime.com

Company website: www.smprime.com

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Identification Number: AS094-000088

BIR Tax Identification No. (TIN): 003-058-789

About SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SMPH)

Established in January 6, 1994, SM Prime Holdings, Inc. (SMPH) develop, conduct, operate and maintain the business of modern commercial shopping centers and all related businesses. It is the largest mall operator in the Philippines. Its main sources of revenues include rental income from leases in mall and food court, cinema ticket sales and amusement income from bowling and ice skating.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Headquarters/Main Office | Telephone Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 18690 times and generated 7 comments. The article was created on and updated on 03 April 2012.

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Total comments : 7
Eyvjut [Entry]

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Antonio Canceran [Entry]

SM Primeholdings
Please be warned of LAND CLAIM SCAMMERS from Davao City staking their land claim in the namesake of our great great grandmother Dorotea Suazo.
These group are using our own great great grandmother namesake and documents for MONETARY CLAIM. For authentic documents you can contact our office number:
Heirs of Dorotea Suazo
Davao City
Antonio Canceran [Entry]

SM Primeholdings
Please be warned of LAND CLAIM SCAMMERS from Davao City staking their land claim in the namesake of our great great grandmother Dorotea Suazo.
These group are using our own great great grandmother namesake and documents for MONETARY CLAIM. For authentic documents you can contact our office number:
Heirs of Dorotea Suazo
Davao City
Ms. H. Tubid [Entry]

Good Day! May I ask if you are interested to put up a branck in Iligan City..I can help you look for a good location there for your business. just contact me at my cp# 09062446698 or you can email me.. I have my lot there which I can offer... Thanks
Ms. Tubid
charlie filog [Entry]

Sir/Madam I am not good in english.but i can deal anything legally......Im mr CHARLIE A. FIOLOG from ROXAS CAPIZ......i heard al lot that SM Mall will be soon in ROXAS CAPIZ......and you are still looking for a big place for your mall........i am an ordinary lot agent...and not license.....but Im good in selling.....i have a lot for sale near in ROBINSON PLACE ......its 21 hectares... the price 1,500 per square meters.........if you are interested in buying...you can easily find and contact me.......Charlie A. FIOLOG dorado subdivision ROXAS CAPIZ...... telephone number 6217-950 or mobile number 09462478398 ..... pass this message to the concerned personnel.........this site is at the back of ROBINSON PLACE...i am only the agent of this lot for sale.... hope you will reply me for this matter....
Li Yan [Entry]

..good day !how can i open a siomai kiosk in savemore tacloban ? what are the requirements and how much is the rent for the space?thank you and more power.!

I am from Tacloban CIty. I've seen a place here that is under construction and you are th yiue owner. SM SAVE MORE is the one being put up on that place. Where can i submit my letter of intent to open a PCSO LOTTO OUTLET in your company. Please send me details on how to lease a space and to be part of your no. 1 fast growing company in the country. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you and God bless