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How to Register Meat Delivery Vehicles in Cebu City, Philippines

This service ensures that meat delivery vans had passed the standard set by the DVMF.
Owners of meat delivery vehicles operating within Cebu City

Contact Person
Analyn P. Calungsod, MI-III
Contact / Telephone number: 419-1200, 232-4483

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF)
North Reclamation Area, Cebu City

Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Duration of the Service
1 day and 2 minutes (DVMF only)

  • Delivery van should be closed type vehicle and preferably made of aluminum or stainless materials.
  • Official receipt (OR)/Certificate of Registration (CR) of the vehicle
Fees (Amount to pay)
  • Truck/jeepney - Php 350.00
  • Tricycle - Php 150.00
Procedures on How to Register Meat Delivery Vehicles in Cebu City, Philippines

Follow these steps...
Wait while person-in-charge...
It will take...
1. Present the original copies of requirements and submit photocopies of each.
1. Checks the requirements.
Analyn Calungsod
1 day
2. Wait for the date of inspection of the meat delivery van.
2. Inspect the meat delivery van on the time scheduled.

3. Pay the registration fee.
3. Issue official receipt of the amount paid.
CTO Collector assigned at DVMF
2 minutes
4. Get the sticker as a sign of the registration.
4. Issue the sticker
Sandra Po, 2nd floor, City Treasurer's Office (CTO) Executive Bldg., Cebu City Hall

Source: Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook
This information appeared first on the 2009 Version of the Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook published by the Cebu City Government through the efforts of the Mayor's Management Team.

- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Register Meat Delivery Vehicles in Cebu City, Philippines" was written by Mary under the Cebu Services category. It has been read 3667 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 22 March 2011.
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