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Top 9 Famous Bloggers in the Philippines

Blogging (a personal journal published in the internet through a website) is one of the profitable ways of earning money online in the Philippines. You can earn as much as $7,000 (or more than PhP200,000) per month or as much as you like. That's why the number of people creating blogs is increasing. Like any other skills, it requires passion, plenty of time and patience to develop a blog. Some bloggers in the Philippines became famous and have been acknowledged by media companies. Some of them are already earning more than $2,300 (over a hundred thousand pesos) per month. Let's know them and their blogs.
Top-Famous Bloggers in the Philippines

Top Famous Bloggers in the Philippines

1. Abe Olandres

Abe Olandres
(image from yugatech.com)

Abe Olandres is the founder of yugatech.com, the undisputed number 1 technology blog in the Philippines. He started blogging in year 2000. Over the years, his blog grew in traffic and became popular. He now earns over $5,000 (more than PhP260,000) per month.

Yugatech website
Yugatech.com website

How did Abe make yugatech.com popular? Abe said in an interview with Mel and Joey program, "It's a hard thing. A  lot of people emailing me and asking, Hey, I want to put a blog because I want to earn. It's not that simple. Only in 2005 did I realize that I could advertise in a blog. I takes time, a lot of effort and a lot of patience. It entails discipline. At the end of the month, you will wait how much you earned. Being a professional blogger, there are two ways: the fastest one is to apply on companies and the other one is independent bloggers. Independent bloggers are the one who really start from scratch."

In 2006, Abe bought a car through his earnings from blogging.

Abe's blog, yugatech.com was created in October 7, 2002. As of April 8, 2012, yugatech.com got an Alexa global rank of 24,038 and a Google page rank of 5.

2. J. Angelo Racoma

J. Angelo Racoma
(image from yugatech.com)

J. Angelo Racoma is an economist by profession and a writer by passion. He entered into blogging when he realized that he can earn more money in blogging than working in the corporate world or in the government. He owns racoma.com.ph, a technology blog. He currently writes in CMSWire, in Manila Bulletin and help formed WorkSmartr. He said in the Mel and Joey program interview that in blogging, "you can earn from anywhere let's say $300 a month to $1,000 a month".

Racoma website
Racoma.com.ph website

J. Angelo's blog, racoma.com.ph was created in 2004. As of April 8, 2012, it has 1,259,050 Alexa global rank and 4 Google page rank.

3. Anton Diaz

Anton Diaz
(image from ourawesomeplanet.com)

Anton Diaz is the founder of ourawesomeplanet.com, a food blog. In Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho tv program interview, Anton said, "The technique with professional blogging is you need to write something na you could write forever na hindi ka mapapagod. Kasi the more na marami kang ma-blog, the more na nag-iincrease 'yong kita mo".

Ourawesomeplanet website
Ourawesomeplanet.com website

Anton's blog, ourawesomeplanet.com was created in May 28, 2006. As of April 8, 2012, it has 119,118 Alexa global rank and 5 Google page rank.

4. James Ryan Jonas

James Ryan Jonas
<image from www.facebook.com/jamesryanjonas>

James Ryan Jonas established pinoymoneytalk.com, a blog about money and investing. He is a professor and an Undergraduate Program Director of the College of Business Administration in the University of the Philippines - Diliman. In the Money Summit and Wealth Expo 2011, James shared his secret formula for achieving a sustainable and profitable website. According to him, in order to achieve a profitable website, you need to:
  • grow your website traffic
  • give more value to site users
  • choose different ways (business models) to earn money from you website such as advertising, partnership, affiliate, product sales, brokerage and premium membership.
Pinoymoneytalk website
Pinoymoneytalk.com website

In 2009, James bought a house through his income from blogging.

James blog, pinoymoneytalk.com was created in March 1, 2005. As of April 9, 2012, it has 50,926 Alexa global rank and 4 Google page rank.

5. Jay Castillo

Jay Castillo
<image from www.facebook.com/jaycastillo>

Jay Castillo created foreclosurephilippines.com, a blog about investing in real estate properties especially in foreclosed properties. He blogs valuable real estate updates, lessons and investing tips based on actual experience.

Foreclosurephilippines.com Website
Foreclosurephilippines.com website

He said in his mission statement of his blog, "my mission is to be financially free with the ultimate purpose of helping people and my community. My goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of people around me, no matter how small that may be."

Jay started his blog (foreclosurephilippines.com) in October 31, 2008. As of April 9, 2012, it reached 148,668 Alexa global rank and 3 Google page rank.

6. Vanjo Merano

Vanjo Merano
<image from www.facebook.com/panlasangpinoy>

Vanjo Merano works as a Filipino IT Consultant in Chicago, Illinois. He is the blogger behind panlasangpinoy.com, the most-sought food and cooking blog by Filipinos. He was featured in the May 2, 2010 episode of Adobo Nation, The Filipino Channel's (TFC) top weekly magazine talk program.

Panlasangpinoy website
Panlasangpinoy.com website

It all started as a passion in cooking. The fact that he forgot all the ingredients used and some cooking adjustments of his recipes, he documented all his cooking demo and published them to panlasangpinoy.com. He wanted to make Filipino dishes stand out in the world of food. His new blog quickly attracted a huge following. Many Filipinos all over the world love his dishes.

Vanjo created panlasangpinoy.com in May 21, 2009. As of April 9, 2012, his blog reached 72,146 Alexa global rank.

7. Marhgil Macuha

Marhgil Macuha
<image from www.facebook.com/marhgil>

Marhgil Macuha is the "laugh charm" blogger behind macuha.com and batangastoday.com. He's a computer engineering graduate of Batangas State University. Marhgil blogs his make-money-online techniques, ramblings and some useful topics at macuha.com. He also owns the batangastoday.com, a news portal. He shared his blogging tips in the Manila Bulletin interview with Annalyn S. Jusay. Marhgil said, "If you want to venture into making money by blogging, you should study it first before starting your own blog. Make a plan. Don't just dive into it without knowing if it is really for you. Are you ready to update your blog regularly? Are you ready to socialize with other bloggers? Are you ready to study basic HTML and CSS? Are you ready to wait for 3 to 6 months before earning at least $100/month on Adsense? Are you ready to take this seriously? Making money by blogging is not a joke or just a past time. Take it seriously, dedicate your time on it and money will come after it".

Macuha.com website
Macuha.com website

Batangastoday.com website
Batangastoday.com website

Marhgil created macuha.com in January 5, 2007 and batangastoday.com in October 10, 2008. As of April 10, 2012, macuha.com and batangastoday.com reached 427,153 and 107,150 Alexa global rank respectively. As of April 10, 2012, macuha.com has a 4 Google page rank while batangastoday.com has a 3 Google page rank.

8. Fitz Gerard Villafuerte

Fitz Villafuerte
<image from diarynigracia.com>

Fitz Gerard Villafuerte is a civil engineer and a system analyst. He owns fitzvillafuerte.com, a blog about business, investing and personal finance. In the Manila Bulletin interview with Ms. Annalyn Jusay, Fitz shared his most important lesson learned in blogging, "The most important lesson I’ve learned in blogging is commitment and responsibility. Since I often talk about about mindsetting, frugality, productivity and financial strategies in my blog – I learned that I will not be able to inspire people if I don’t practice what I write. I’ve learned to commit to my advocacy and do my best to become a better person", Fitz said.

Fitzvillafuerte website
Fitzvillafuerte.com website

Fitz established fitzvillafuerte.com in 2007. As of April 10, 2012, it reached 98,285 Alexa global rank and 4 Google page rank.

9. Carl Ocab

Carl Ocab

Carl Ocab is the controversial "kidblogger" behind carlocab.com. Carl started blogging at the age of 13. His eloquence in writing at a young age startled the blogosphere. Despite many negative comments about him, his blog ranks no. 1 in Google with the keywords "make money online". No matter who wrote the blog, we should be proud that a Filipino can excel in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Carl's blog made it no. 1 in Google using "make money online" keywords.

carlocab.com website
Carlocab.com website

Carl created his blog (carlocab.com) in February 5, 2007. As of April 11, 2012, it reached 104,896 Alexa global rank and 4 Google page rank. It remained no. 1 in Google with "make-money-online" keywords.

I may missed someone that should be included in the list. To list all famous bloggers in the Philippines is a challenge but it's impossible to do so due to the number of characters limitation of the content management system I use and readers tend to get bored with lengthy articles. Maybe I will write a part 2, 3 or 4 of this article.

The blogs of these famous Filipino bloggers are good examples to follow for start-up bloggers. You can learn many things of their blogs such as their approach to web design, content writing, optimization techniques, website monetization and relationship with other bloggers.

Many serial Filipino bloggers out there never reveal there true identity but are earning huge amount of money compared with these bloggers mentioned above. They keep silent, remain humble and enjoy their fruits of labor from their blogs. Kudos to all of you comrades!

Creating a blog cannot make you famous unless you have love and dedication to write and help your readers. The more you love blogging, the more you grow your audience. And the more you grow your audience, the more you earn money.

If you are a proud Filipino blogger, please don't hesitate to tell us your blog in the comment below. Let the world know that Filipinos don't only excel in the world of sports or entertainment but also in the world of blogging.

Tell us your blog now! We might not know someday, you will become one of the top famous bloggers in the Philippines.
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"Top 9 Famous Bloggers in the Philippines" was written by Mary under the Earn Money Online category. It has been read 45923 times and generated 37 comments. The article was created on and updated on 18 December 2013.
Total comments : 32
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great post..po
Nestor Paul N Demoni Jr. [Entry]

Hi i was inspired to make a blog because of them. i just wanted to share my blog new blog, i am just a beginner in this. i wanted to know your feedbacks about my site www.mindtechniquest.info free to surf
Guest [Entry]

Nestor Paul N Demoni Jr., your site is offline. Inaccessible.
Del Yebes [Entry]

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Hero Latonio [Entry]

I always had dreamed of building a blog since i started making money online.. but the wierd thing is after 7 years of lucrative money online i never did,i have been busy with so many projects and niches.. but this year i certainly will develop one..

Adnes Pahamutang [Entry]


Hope you don’t mind me getting in touch. I’m Adnes from BlogDash. Just want to let you know, we are looking for Bloggers that accept business blogging opportunities. If this is something that could interest you, please get in touch with us. Thank you
Xelle Cunninghem [Entry]

earn $100 a day at bit.do/neopera
Jen Soya [Entry]

Believe me.. non of them lied about their earnings. It's hard to believe alexa at 25K rank earned only $5K? Maybe in adsense alone he earned $5,000, and aside of that monetization he run advertizing space, product reviews and many more.. Abe is just afraid he might be taxed for his earnings so as to other bloggers and other website owners. YA now what I mean.....
Doncher12 [Entry]

we are looking for online blogger that can feature our website (womens RTW online store).
pls email us. GODBLESS!!!
jennypraile [Entry]

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Looking for a legit online job? Just visit www.unemployedpinoys.com and e-mail me at jennypraile@yahoo.com for more info. Get paid by finishing tasks through researching and encoding online every week via LBC! Apply now! Happy working at home!
Jimz Ofw [Entry]

I'm OFW but i'm also blogger since 2011, this is the keywords of my site "ang pinoy movies online" rank no.1 in google. this is my site angpinoymovies.com
Fervil Von Tripoli [Entry]

Wow so amazed with Carl Ocab. When I was his age, I was so busy playing red alert 2 or diablo 2 hahaha. This kid will go much further. Congrats for everyone included in the list.

Admin, you should try joining Filipino bloggers worldwide community in Facebook, I bet you will find some awesome bloggers that are active in the group.. in many various niches.

Fervil Von
Aby [Entry]

i hope one day I would be included on the list. :)

Don [Entry]

lagay nyo rin sa list si jehzlau-concepts.com. He helped a lot of bloggers to earn money online.
shayne [Entry]

Karen [Entry]

VISIT AND JOIN US TODAY AT http://unemployedpinoys.com
Q. Valdez [Entry]

A lot of bloggers nowadays. However for those who isn't into blogging, here is an opportunity for every Pinoys out there. Visit http://www.unemployedpinoys.com and see if you qualify.

Happy earning!
raichel [Entry]

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Romy [Entry]

Very nice. How about for the year 2013?
yvez [Entry]

Hello everyone.
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b. rahi koh [Entry]

This Article is Inspiring!

I've been blogging now for over 5 years and struggling for an income of $1.28. Please see what's wrong with my blog ->http://bisdakblogger.blogspot.com

Would love to hear your feedback guys. Salamat!
sandeepiips [Entry]

Mark [Entry]

One day I'm going to be in this list of amazing people hehe
I just started my art,style,design blog: www.thetotobox.com

More power to Pinoy bloggers! :)
dyniz [Entry]

congratulation to all of you!! i read the story of carl what a inspiring story...
Dustin [Entry]

Great list... I was looking for a pinoy blog to look up to! To those bloggers mentioned above, carl ocab is my fave, and maybe someday I can achieve what the kid blogger has achieved.

regards from,
Malou [Entry]

How do I become a blogger?

what do i need if i don't have awebsite?
Guest [Entry]

Malou, you can get started by creating a free website at uCoz.com.
Jericho Montes [Entry]

How I wish I am one of them;D

My blog: www.juandelacruzblog.com

Jericho Montes
amy hernandez [Entry]

I love reading blogs. Information are just as easy as clicking a mouse :D Bloggers are truly amazing, most of them i believe started out of passion and their desire to share their talents and their finds :D

Two thumbs up to famous bloggers i believe you become famous by your own right!

incidentally, i stumbled upon this Vblogger that is now becoming a youtube sensation... He is fun and full of wit and wisdom :D

watch this:
