To celebrate the Library and Information Services (LIS) Month 2011, the
Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) in partnership with the
National Commission for Culture and Arts-National Commission of
Libraries and Information Services (NCCA-NCLIS) will conduct the
National Congress on Libraries for Progress and General Assembly with
theme " National Conference on Libraries for Progress” on November 16-18,
2011 at the Hotel Elizabeth, No. 1, J. Felipe Street corner Gibraltar
Street, Baguio City East, Baguio City.
The congress aims to: - impress among librarians the importance of their role in the promotion of reading, education, research, lifelong learning as well as dissemination of information;
- revitalize the libraries and librarians’ role in the creation and promotion of a post-literate society; and
- provide updates on the issues concerning libraries, information centers and librarians.
The participants to this activity are librarians from both public and private elementary and secondary schools. Each participant shall be charged Four Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP4,500.00) as payment for registration fee to cover expenses for snacks, kits, certificates and fellowship dinner. For more information, contact Ms. Lilia F. Echiverri, University of the Philippines (UP), Law Library, Espiritu Hall, Diliman, Quezon City at telephone no.: (02) 929-2180 or (02) 920-5514 local 301 or send a message through e-mail addresses: or -
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"National Congress on Libraries for Progress and General Assembly" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 2768 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 09 November 2011 and updated on 09 November 2011.