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Top April Fools Day Jokes 2012

The month of April is fast approaching. What makes this month special aside from celebrating Holy Week, is the celebration of April Fools' Day 2012. Make your friends and love ones believed in you. And make them smile or make them angry with these top April Fools Day jokes 2012 I created:
April Fools Day 2012
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April Fools Day joke about Google

Are you Google?
Girl: Why?
Boy: Because everything I search for is in you!


April Fools Day joke about Facebook

Friend 1: Are you Facebook?
Friend 2: Why?
Friend 1: Because I cannot connect with other friends without you.


April Fools Day joke about Youtube

Boy: Are you Youtube?
Girl: Why?
Boy: Because I'm always viewing to you a million times.


April Fools Day joke for a Priest

A girl confesses her sins to the priest...

Girl: You make my life complete, Father (Priest). The first time I saw you in this church, I started to pray always that you will be my future husband. I attended every sermon you conducted. I feel safe every time I hear your words. In my heart, I'm always telling you "I love you" in silent. When I asked you to invite you for a dinner, you didn't refuse. We drank and slept together. Here I am, I'm pregnant. Could you be the father of my child?


April Fools Day joke for a workaholic Husband

A wife left a note on the table:

Wife: You always work, work and worked. You don't have time with me anymore. I don't want to suffer this much anymore. I'm dating another guy in the club right now!


April Fools Day joke for a hard-to-get Lady/Girl

Man: I'm will go to a far away place and never see you anymore. I will do this if you will not marry me next month. Just tell me to marry me and I will stop this madness.


You can send these jokes to any manner through internet, blogs, social media, chat, email or even SMS (text messages) of your phone. Have fun sending these April Fools Day jokes.

If you have cool jokes right there in your mind, express them here, post them in the comment below.

Happy April Fools Day to everyone!
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"Top April Fools Day Jokes 2012" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 4461 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 27 March 2012.
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