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The Disability Horror

The Disability Horror
"""The telephone rings... after I introduce myself, let's refer to her as Ms. Caller."" In this instance, Mary inquires as to how I assist people in her circumstance.

I begin by asking Mary a few inquiries to determine her actual situation and whether she has received any correspondence from her mortgage lender.

Mary pauses, heaves a deep sigh, and then begins to describe how she ended up facing a potential foreclosure sale and eviction. ""I was employed and paying my expenses on time for the most part.""I don't earn a lot of money, but I've been making it steadily since May. I was admitted to the hospital after experiencing chest symptoms for some time. As it turned out, I required (heart surgery). That's when I began to fall behind on my expenses, and I exhausted my limited vacation and sick leave. The expenses have accumulated! My children send me a few hundred dollars per month to assist with my utility bills and medication.

You can substitute Mary's difficulty with any number of illnesses or injuries, such as cancer treatment, broken bones, or complications from diabetes. The common denominator is that the majority of them end up facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, or eviction.

The number two cause for many people in this situation, after the initial injury or illness, is the amount of time people spend (STUCK) waiting for Short-term or Long-term Disability or Workers' Compensation to begin. That is to say, Stuck!

Waiting... repeatedly.

Have you ever heard the expression ""the squeaky wheel gets the grease""? Now I'll provide you with some (potent) information to get your brain working. Each state regulates insurance companies, as evidenced by the fact that each state regulates insurance companies. Contact your state's Department of Insurance to file a complaint if you ever have trouble obtaining answers to questions about pending or unresolved cases.

If your financial health and well-being are at stake, you must be proactive and not simply rely on others to do everything that they are required or even (paid) to do. There are so many people who just sit there and take it.""You've taken your pains, and there's no reason for you to continue to suffer!

Okay, I'm done ranting, but truly...

There is a comprehensive list of State Department of Insurance websites and contact information for all 50 states.

You can access it through the loan-mitigation-services website's articles section.""

" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"The Disability Horror" was written by Mary under the Finance / Wealth category. It has been read 159 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 02 June 2023.
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