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Eating well at work

Eating well at work
"""Why should a workplace care about eating well?

As part of a workplace health program, an employer can affect an employee's long-term health and wellness by assisting them in making healthy eating decisions.

Reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Healthy food and active living paired with a cheerful perspective can lead to. improved self-esteem, vitality, and mood. less stress and anxiety. opportunities to enjoy quality time with friends and family.

How can a ""healthy eating"" program be started?

While providing a secure and healthy workplace is of utmost importance to a company, it's equally crucial to promote healthy lifestyles among staff members. Programs that promote healthy eating might be a crucial step. Numerous people can participate in these programs to learn how to improve their health at work and at home. As always, these initiatives should be a component of a comprehensive workplace health program and should not divert resources or attention from potential workplace hazards. Before beginning: Healthy eating programs are voluntary; not everyone will participate or be interested, no matter how much planning is done or how much information is spread. To select what kinds and levels of programs to offer, poll employees. Make sure you are aware of your audience's interests while developing a health program. In this instance Recognize the causes for people's desire in a healthy eating plan. Are participants seeking more general programs like heart health advice or more targeted ones like information on general nutrition? Make sure to take historical program offerings into account. What programs were effective? which one didn't? Clearly define your target demographic. Decide when the program will be offered (seasonal, or all year). Tell individuals where to turn if they need further assistance or have specific inquiries.

What goals should a healthy eating plan have?

The key takeaways from the Canada's Food Guide should be the emphasis of any workplace healthy eating initiative. They should also ensure that the places where their employees eat, such as cafeterias, canteens, and vending machines, include some healthier food options. The following food selections are advised as healthy ones by Canada's Food Guide: Consume lots of fruits and veggies, entire grains, and proteins. More commonly, select plant-based protein sources. Instead of saturated fat, choose foods containing beneficial fats. Reduce your intake of highly processed foods. If you decide to consume these foods, do so sparingly and in moderation. Use items for meals and snacks that have little to no added sugar, sodium, or saturated fat. When dining out, pick something from the healthier menu. Make water your preferred beverage. Use water instead of sugary beverages. Use the labels on your food. Because healthy eating also involves where, when, why, and how we eat, Canada's Food Guide also exhorts people to consider their eating patterns. Be attentive of your eating patterns, which includes sitting down to meals and paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Cook more frequently; prepare meals in advance; and get help when necessary. Enjoy your meal and keep your cultural and culinary customs in mind. If at all feasible, have meals with others.

What examples would you give for a program on healthy eating at work?

Be sure to provide a variety of options when providing nutrition information at work. The following are possible program topics: Recognizing the fundamentals. Body image and weight loss. diet trends. how to increase your intake of entire grains, fruits, and veggies, as well as proteins. Find out which plant-based foods provide protein. Tips for cutting back on carbohydrates, saturated fats, and sodium (salt). preparing healthy meals for the entire family. healthy aging reading food labels and making wise decisions when supermarket shopping. programs for particular medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart conditions, etc.). Healthy eating while traveling, including how to recognize healthy options when dining out. Here are some alternatives for a workplace healthy eating program that are more specific: Provide resources that staff members can use at home to make healthier dietary decisions. For instance: Give an example of a grocery list and a schedule of the meals you can prepare from it for the entire week. Keep copies of the Canada's Food Guide on hand. Give advice on how to choose healthier foods when dining out or shopping, among other things. People should learn to read and comprehend food labels. Give advice on how to prepare nutritious dishes. Post a list of local restaurants that offer balanced food menus, dietary options, and dietary information such as calories per portion. Invite a speaker to a """"lunch-n-learn"""" session. Have """"theme"""" weeks or months. Stock vending machines with healthier options. Arrange for the on-site cafeteria to offer a range of healthy food choices. Have a refrigerator and microwave at work so people can bring healthy lunches from home. When lunches or drinks are provided at meetings, be sure to provide healthy choices. Arrange for a group to go to a weight management program together, or have the program come to your office at a convenient time. Give people a way to share healthy recipes with each other by using Intranet, e-mail, or posters. Provide information about how to use low-fat ingredients in favourite recipes. Organize a potluck lunch at work featuring healthy food choices. Try a multicultural day. Offer incentives, if people are interested. Offer a new tip or goal for each week, such as:I will eat a plant based protein instead of meat once a week. I will eat breakfast every morning. I will have an extra piece of fruit every day.

Does the workplace influence how people eat?

Yes. Always remember that the workplace environment influences the health of its employees. For example, if a healthy eating program is offered, remember to look at where the employees eat their lunch. A safe and clean eating area is a requirement under most occupational health and safety laws. Beyond this, it is important to look at what is offered at vending machines and staff cafeterias. If you don't look at the larger picture to see how the workplace itself influences the eating patterns of the employees, the program will not work as well as it could. Be sure the workplace supports healthy eating programs by providing time for employees to go to information sessions, offering appropriate foods in the cafeteria and vending machines, and by providing refrigerators and microwaves so that meals can be stored and prepared appropriately.

What are some tips for snacks to keep at work?

Store in your desk or locker

Store in the fridge

On the Road Whole grain crackers Rolled oats (oatmeal) Nut butter, such as peanut or almond butter Canned fish Canned soups Nuts and seeds, such as almonds or cashews Whole grain bagels / Bread Low-fat yoghurt Cottage cheese Fresh fruit Raw vegetables Low-fat cheese Salad greens Cut carrots Celery sticks Apples Whole grain crackers Nuts and seeds

How can meetings and other work functions help employees gain healthy eating habits?


Try to Limit

Try Instead

Meetings Donuts Large muffins Cookies Cream and sugar Whole grain breads or crackers Individual low fat yoghurt Fresh fruit Water Vending machines / Catering Trucks Danish Chocolate bars French fries Pop Chips Water Sandwiches made from whole grain bread and non-processed meats Soup Fruit Yoghurt Whole grain crackers Hectic Schedule / Long Hours Chips Cookies Coffee with cream Hot dogs Pizza with double cheese and pepperoni Fresh fruit Whole grain breads or crackers Vegetables Salads with lower-fat dressing Non-processed meats Yoghurt On the road / Lunch Meetings Chips Fried foods Large burgers Salads loaded with dressing Small plain burgers Whole grain breads or crackers Cheese Water Turkey and whole grain bread sandwiches Pizza with vegetables

Do some jobs have specific nutrition concerns?

In most cases, no. Most jobs today do not require the employee to eat any additional calories to compensate for physical activity at work. The exception may be very physical work such as people who lift or carry heavy loads most of the day, such as shovelling, sawing trees by hand, farm work, etc. If you have concerns about meeting your nutritional needs, ask a dietitian or your family doctor for advice.

Should a workplace offer salt and fluid supplements when individuals are working in hot environments?

A person working at a high pace or in a very hot environment loses water and salt through sweat. On average, about one litre of water each hour may be required to replace the fluid loss. Plenty of cool (10-15°C) drinking water should be available on the job site and workers should be encouraged to drink water every 15 to 20 minutes even if they do not feel thirsty. Many people drink sport drinks, fruit juice, etc. Drinks specially designed to replace body fluids and electrolytes may be taken but for most people, they should be used in moderation and water should still be consumed. The electrolyte drinks may be of benefit for workers who have very physically active occupations but keep in mind they may add unnecessary sugar or salt to your diet. Drinks with alcohol or caffeine should never be taken, as they dehydrate the body. For most people, water is the most efficient fluid for re-hydration. A worker used to, or acclimatized to, lifting heavy loads or working in the heat sweats more """"efficiently"""" – they sweat sooner and sweat more, but they lose less salt in their sweat than persons who are not used to such work. For this reason, the salt in a normal diet is usually enough to maintain the electrolyte balance – and keep the body working well. Generally speaking people will consume enough salt through their regular diet, so adding more salt when performing heavy tasks is not usually necessary. The use of salt tablets is not generally recommended, because the salt does not enter the body system as fast as water. Too much salt can cause higher body temperatures and can also make someone feel thirsty or sick. Workers who have questions about their salt intake should talk to their doctor about how much salt they need to match their job and dietary needs.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Eating well at work" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 348 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 16 January 2023.
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