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Virus Zika

Virus Zika
"""What is the Zika virus illness?

The Zika virus, a kind of flavivirus, is what causes the Zika virus sickness. People are primarily exposed to this illness through the bite of a mosquito carrying the Zika virus. Dengue fever, West Nile, yellow fever, and encephalitis are all connected to the Zika virus.

How is the Zika virus spread?

The mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which are native to tropical and subtropical areas like Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, South and Central America, the Caribbean, and the southern United States, are the main vectors of the Zika virus. The virus and the saliva of the infected mosquito are introduced into the victim's bloodstream during the bite. Since the mosquito species that carry the virus cannot thrive in colder regions, there haven't been any mosquito-related epidemics in Canada and they aren't expected to. As a result, there is now a low chance of contracting an infection while in Canada. If Aedes populations grow in the future and bring mosquito-borne diseases like Zika into the country, climate change may raise the danger of these illnesses. The virus can also be transmitted sexually during anal, oral, or vaginal sex without the use of a condom by coming into touch with infected semen, vaginal fluid, blood, other body fluids, and sex toys. a pregnant, sick lady to her unborn child. contributions of organs, sperm, blood, tissue, and cells from infected donors.

Who is in danger?

All travelers to areas where the Zika virus is currently spreading are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. Sexual partners of those who are infected. The Zika virus can infect pregnant women and spread to their unborn children. patients who get organs, sperm, blood, cells, or tissue from a donor who is contaminated. employees who come into contact with patients' blood or other bodily fluids who have the Zika virus (for example healthcare and laboratory workers).

What symptoms and indicators are associated with Zika infection?

Numerous Zika virus carriers will not exhibit any symptoms. Only one in four Zika virus infections result in symptoms, on average. Those who exhibit symptoms may: red eyes and a skin rash (conjunctivitis, pink eye) low fever and weakness headaches nauseous and dizzy energy deficit painful muscles and joints From 3 to 14 days following infection, zika symptoms can develop. If symptoms do arise, they are often minor and may linger for two to seven days. For a long time after symptoms appear, the Zika virus can persist in the body and spread through bodily fluids and tissues (with or without symptoms). Although uncommon, congenital Zika syndrome is a group of birth problems caused by the Zika virus infection during pregnancy, including aberrant head size (microcephaly), inadequate brain development, and other anomalies (CZS). Miscarriage and preterm birth are two possible pregnancy problems. Additionally uncommon, Zika virus infection has been connected to cases of neuropathy (nerve damage), myelitis (spinal cord inflammation), and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (nervous system disorder that causes muscle weakness and possibly paralysis).

How can I tell whether I'm infected with the Zika virus?

Based on your symptoms, where and when you traveled, and what you did, your doctor can decide whether you need to get tested for the Zika virus. Travelers who are pregnant and returning from areas where the Zika virus is circulating should talk to their doctor about their concerns.

Can infections with the Zika virus be treated?

There isn't currently a cure or vaccine for Zika virus infection. Treatment is given to alleviate the infection's symptoms, which may involve resting, hydrating well, and taking painkillers and fever-reducers. Since Dengue is a virus that is frequently found in mosquitoes in regions where there is a Zika outbreak, do not take acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) until a potential infection with Dengue virus has been ruled out.

How can one avoid contracting the Zika virus?

Avoiding travel to locations where Zika is a problem is the best method to prevent infection. Visit a travel health clinic at least six weeks before your trip to learn if there is a danger of Zika virus infection in your location by checking the government of Canada's website for ""Travel Advice and Advisories."" Employers who mandate travel to locations where the Zika virus is circulating should make sure their staff members are informed about the disease's risk and precautions against mosquito bites. The Zika virus-carrying mosquitoes are particularly active during the day and in the early evening. Avoid mosquito bites when visiting an area where Zika is a concern by taking the following preventative measures: Put on long pants and a long-sleeved shirt that is tucked in. Put on a cap and closed-toe shoes or boots (not sandals). Before applying insect repellents, always carefully read the label. Apply insect repellent to any skin that is exposed. Avoid getting any of the spray on your face, lips, eyes, open sores, or irritated skin. Given that mosquitoes can bite through thin garments, spray repellant on clothing before going outside. Reapply repellant if you get bitten. Select indoor lodgings with air conditioning and well-screened windows and doors. When sleeping outside or in a structure without well-screened windows and doors, use mosquito netting (a bed net). Remove any areas that may serve as mosquito breeding grounds close to your place of employment or residence, such as puddles and waste piles. Additionally, Health Canada recommends using anti-Zika measures when engaging in sexual activity. When visiting nations or regions where there is a risk of contracting the Zika virus, all visitors should take measures by using condoms or avoiding sexual contact. Pregnant women should discuss their travel plans with their healthcare physician and may decide to delay or forego travel to areas where there may be a risk of contracting Zika. Be aware that the Public Health Agency of Canada still advises pregnant women to stay away from places where the Zika virus is presently spreading. Women who want to get pregnant should: Think about delaying or avoiding travel to areas where the Zika virus may be present or where an active outbreak is occurring. Before trying to get pregnant, you should wait at least 2 months after visiting an area where Zika is a problem or after getting sick from Zika. Men who have visited locations where the Zika virus is circulating should: Use condoms or refrain from sexual activity for at least three months after their trip. When trying to get pregnant, wait three months following your trip (trying to become pregnant with your partner). Prevent spreading an infection to a partner who is pregnant by refraining from unprotected intercourse during the entire pregnancy. For further details, talk to your healthcare provider.

Where can I find further details?

Zika Virus - Health Canada is a reliable source of additional details. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Zika Virus (CDC) World Health Organization (WHO): Zika virus""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Virus Zika" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 318 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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