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How to Apply Summer/Vacation Jobs of the Special Program For Employment of Students (SPES) in Cebu

This service assists under-privileged but deserving students in pursuing higher education by providing them with employment during summer and Christmas vacations in Cebu, Philippines.

(Picture) Summer Job in Cebu? Students who want to apply for a job this vacation? Follow procedures below.

Constituents of Cebu City aging 18-24 years old and must be a student for the current school year or semester as the case maybe or out of school youth provided he is going to enroll the school year or semester immediately following the summer job and the combined net income tax of his parents including his income must not exceed Php 36,000.00
Florencia L. Monteveros
Contact/Telephone Number: 254- 4348
Labor and Employment Division, Department of Manpower, Development & Placement (DMDP), Ramos Public Market
AVAILABILITY : Hiring is on the months of February and March

DURATION OF THE SERVICE:  3 months, 2 weeks & 2 days

REQUIREMENT/S: Endorsement from a Barangay or City Official


Follow these steps…
Wait while Person-in-charge…
It will take…
1. Secure endorsement from a Barangay or City Official.
1. LED Officer receives and reads endorsement.
LED Staff
1 day
2. Proceed to DMDP to submit endorsement to the LED Staff.

1 day
3. Go to DMDP for preliminary interview.
2. LED Officer conducts preliminary interview with the applicant.
Florencia L. Monteveros
Within one month after submission of endorsement
4. Take the written examination in DMDP.
3. LED Officer conducts written ex-
amination with the applicant.
LED StaffWithin one month after preliminary interview
5. Go to DMDP for your final interview.
4. LED Officer conducts final interview with the applicant.
Fidel Magno
Within one month after the exam
6. Inquire whether you are hired as a "SPES”
5. LED Officer posts the final names of hired applicants.
Florencia L. Monteveros
After 2 weeks

Source: Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook
This information appeared first on the 2009 Version of the Cebu City Citizen's Guidebook published by the Cebu City Government through the efforts of the Mayor's Management Team.
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Apply Summer/Vacation Jobs of the Special Program For Employment of Students (SPES) in Cebu" was written by Mary under the Jobs / Employment category. It has been read 7351 times and generated 5 comments. The article was created on and updated on 21 January 2011.
Total comments : 5
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Paula Belle Lasala [Entry]

Good Day! I am Paula Belle S. Lasala currently studying at University of San Jose-Recoletos-Cebu. I am looking for part-time job this coming summer 2017. I hope you can help me in this matter.

Thank you and God bless! :))
Ma.Elizabeth C. Largo [Entry]

Are you still hiring applicant maam/sir?
Karen Lepatan [Entry]

Hi Good day! I just wanted to ask if how about if will go directly or approach the manager of the store we wanted to apply. Like passing biodata is it okey,or it is really complied to undergo at DMDP?
Jessica Arcipe [Entry]

Good day!My concern is that i have my endorsement from our BARANGAY but still the DMDP let me go to the city hall nad said i must have the councilor's endorsement.So should i have the both the barangay and councilor's endorsement or either of it?

thank you