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Duties of veterinarians in dog shows

Duties of veterinarians in dog shows
"I am a member of a group of animal lovers and dog show owners. Our group usually organizes informal dog shows as part of our information drive to teach the public about proper care of animals. Eventually our group started growing and with this, we decided to formalize our dog shows and comply with the formal requirements and permits through the appropriate government agencies. I was tasked to find a veterinarian as I was told that a veterinarian is required during dog shows. I asked some veterinarians if they can participate in our dog shows and they were asking if there are any specifications on what veterinarians are expected to do during dog shows. Because of this, we want to ask if there are any laws about the specific duties of veterinarians in a dog show or is it enough that they are present in our dog shows. I hope you can advise us regarding this. NelsonDear Nelson, With regard to the conduct of dog shows, the Department of Agriculture issued Administrative Order No. 32, Series of 2007, providing for the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Animal Welfare Act in the conduct of dog shows. The stated objective of these rules is to adhere with the veterinary public health precepts, laws and rules and regulations along with the need to ensure the freedom of animals from physical discomfort and injuries, among others, during dog shows (Sec. 1, Administrative Order No. 32, Series of 2007). This administrative order contains the duties and responsibilities of veterinarians during dog shows.According to this administrative order, there shall be at least two (2) show veterinarians during dog shows (Sec. 3.2, Id.). The show veterinarians mentioned here refer to a veterinarian accredited by the Animal Welfare Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry who is required to possess a valid Professional Regulation Commission ID and an updated professional tax receipt (Sec. 2.3, Id.). The rules require the show veterinarians to be present during the entire duration of the show to examine all dog show entries, to attend to emergencies, and to ensure that the rules and regulations of the Animal Welfare Act pertaining to shows are properly implemented (Sec. 3.5, Id.). Before entering the show ring or area, all dog participants in the show are required to be examined by the show veterinarian to check the physical fitness of the dogs, the presence or absence of a communicable disease, evidence of maltreatment or cruelty, uncontrolled aggressiveness, congenital defect, etc. (Sec. 3.6, Id.). In addition to this, proofs of vaccination of the dogs are required to be presented to the show veterinarians to ensure that the dog participants have been vaccinated (Sec. 3.8, Id.) The show veterinarians are also tasked to prescribe the emergency kits and medicines required to be provided by the show organizers during the event (Sec. 3.10, Id.).Lastly, show veterinarians are required to submit a post activity report after every dog show to the Animal Welfare Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry to certify that the dog show complied with the rules and regulations in the conduct of dog shows (Sec. 3.17, Id.). It is important for your dog show’s chosen veterinarians to familiarize themselves with their aforementioned duties to ensure the safety of the dog participants and the compliance with the issued rules and regulations.We find it necessary to mention that this opinion is solely based on the facts you have narrated and our appreciation of the same. The opinion may vary when the facts are changed or elaborated. We hope that we were able to enlighten you on the matter." - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Duties of veterinarians in dog shows" was written by Mary under the Legal Advice category. It has been read 1041 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 September 2021.
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