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Sitsiritsit Lyrics

Sitsiritsit Lyrics
"Sitsiritsit, alibangbang
Salaginto at salagubang
Ang babae sa lansangan
Kung gumiri’y parang tandang
Santo Niño sa Pandakan
Putoseko sa tindahan
Kung ayaw mong magpautang
Uubusin ka ng langgamMama, mama, namamangka
Pasakayin yaring bata.
Pagdating sa Maynila
Ipagpalit ng manika.Ale, ale, namamayong
Pasukubin yaring sanggol.
Pagdating sa Malabon
Ipagpalit ng bagoong.
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"Sitsiritsit Lyrics" was written by Mary under the Literature category. It has been read 391 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 30 January 2023.
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