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How to Borrow Utang Load from TM

How to Borrow Utang Load from TM
"""There may come a time when you run out of prepaid load and cannot purchase load at that time."" What are your plans in that circumstance? You can borrow load from TM (or Touch Mobile) through the TM Utang Load service, eliminating the need to look for the closest sari-sari store to purchase prepaid load. ,'_com-box-3','ezslot_4',183,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-3-0');
You can borrow various load denominations and promotions through the TM Utang Load service, which allows you to repay them at a later time. You can borrow loads from TM for as little as five to sixty yen, as well as popular deals like GoSurf. On your subsequent reload or top-up, the loan amount and the corresponding service charge will be deducted.
All TM subscribers are eligible to use the TM Utang Load service; however, the length of time you have been a TM subscriber and the speed with which you have paid back previous loans affect the availability of particular load denominations and promotions. The lowest-priced offers, like SURFSOS, are the first to be offered to new TM subscribers. Therefore, the more load you purchase, register for promotions, and borrow, the more TM Utang Load offers are available to you. ,'_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',191,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-3-0');
Just keep in mind that you can borrow load from TM the next time you run out, saving you from having to ask your friends for pasaload. In order to maintain your eligibility for future TM Utang Load offers, you must repay your loan as soon as possible.
Table of ContentsHow to Borrow Load or Utang Load from TMBorrow Load via Text MessageBorrow Load via *143#List of TM Utang Load and Promo OffersHow to Check TM Utang Load StatusHow to Pay Your LoanHow to Stop TM Utang Load PromoConclusionHow to Borrow Load or Utang Load from TMBorrow Load via Text MessageBorrow Load via by sending the words to the number 3733 or dialing *143#. Even if you have no balance, you can borrow loads.
Text UTANG [KEYWORD] to 3733.300,250], ""_com-medrectangle-4,"" ""ezslot_6,"" and ""192,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-medrectangle-4-0"") to borrow load from TM via SMS.
For instance, text ""UTANG LOAD10"" to 3733 to borrow 10 loads.
If you are qualified for the offer, you will receive a text message confirming the loan. If this is not the case, you will also get a text message with instructions on how to determine which promos or load denominations you can borrow.
Dial *143# and select ""Utang"" to find out which TM Utang Load offers you are eligible to borrow.
Borrow Load by Dialing *143# and selecting ""Utang"" is another method for borrowing load from TM. ”'_com-box-4','ezslot_7',193,,_('div-gpt-ad-_com-box-4-0');

To take advantage of the offer, go to the one you want to borrow, such as SURFSOS, and select ""Subscribe.""
The list of load denominations and promotional offers that are available through TM Utang Load can be found in the table below. The standard rate and the service fee are included in the amounts shown here.

UTANG LOAD55 pesos load 63 days UTANG LOAD1010 pesos load 123 days UTANG LOAD1515 pesos load 1815 days UTANG LOAD2020 pesos load 2415 days UTANG LOAD2525 pesos load 3015 days UTANG LOAD3030 pesos load 3615 days UTANG LOAD3535 pesos load 4215 days UTANG
The service fee is rounded up to the nearest peso and is equal to 20% of the regular price of the load or promotion. No matter how long the loan is paid back, the subscriber does not pay any interest on the fixed service fee.
You cannot extend the promos you borrowed from the TM Utang Load service. However, you can extend your regular promo subscription by borrowing load from TM. 300,250],'_com-banner-1,',);
You can only borrow one coupon or load denomination at a time. Before you can borrow again, you must repay any loans that remain unpaid. When you next reload or top up, the load or promo amount you borrowed will be deducted from your balance.
How to Check the Status of a TM Utang Load To check the status of your regular load loan, dial *143#, then select ""Utang"" and ""Status."" Choose the ""Utang status"" or ""Utang Promo status"" option.
Send the text ""UTANG KEYWORD> BAL"" to 3733 to check on the status of your promotional loan. For instance, you can text ""UTANG GOSURF10 BAL"" to 3733 to inquire about GoSurf10's current state.
When you next reload or top up, How to Pay Your Loan TM will automatically deduct the loan amount from your prepaid load balance. If your load balance is less than your loan balance, it won't be taken out, so make sure you reload enough to pay off your loan.
By dialing *143# and going to Utang > Pay Utang > Confirm Payment, you can also pay off your TM Utang Load loan. Check to see that you have a sufficient load balance to pay off your loan.
How to Stop the TM Utang Load Promo Text STOP UTANG KEYWORD> to 3733 to stop or unsubscribe from a borrowed promo. To stop GoSurf15, for instance, text STOP UTANG GOSURF15 to 3733.
Additionally, you can opt out of your current TM Utang Load promotion by dialing *143#, selecting ""Utang,"" and then ""Unsubscribe."" Select the promotion you wish to terminate.
Keep in mind that canceling your promotion does not cancel your loan. Before you can borrow again, you still have to pay off your loan. ,,'ezslot_16',196,,_;
In conclusion, knowing that you can borrow loads from TM at any time is nice. You are able to borrow the TM promo or load that you require, whether you have run out of it or need to text someone right away.
Send the text ""UTANG INFO"" to 3733 to learn more about borrowing load from TM. You can also visit the TM Tambayan website or call the customer service hotline 808 on your TM mobile number.
Tags: Republic of the TM""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Borrow Utang Load from TM" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 847 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 01 February 2023.
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