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The Concrete Mechanical Changing of Mining Ball Mill

The Concrete Mechanical Changing of Mining Ball Mill

1. MQGZ the super energy-saving ball mill

Its main features are the change of drive mode of the original mill. It changes the original edge of the drive way into cylinder middle segment drive. The original ball mill gear assembly in the cylinder side, while MQGZ is a large gear assembly in the the middle segment of cylinder. Thus has significantly altered the torque force of the entire transmission line, so that the ball mill power consumption reduced by 50% . The ball mill is described as: stick efforts is better than great strength.

2. the MQGT super energy-saving ball mill

MQGT super energy-saving ball mill, also known as FT wheel mill. The ball mill makes use of roller, the roller rotating ring gear connected reducer variable speed. The power can be reduced by half or over than the bearing mill. The machine consists of the feed material, aperture, roller, roller, reducer, motor and other major components. The advantages are reasonable structure, well-made, high output, low energy consumption, convenient operation. FMQGT ball mill is not only the innovation of the old mill, but also a ball mill revolution.

Brown iron ore beneficiation technology

Typical brown iron ore beneficiation process include: a single-sorting process, the maglev combination process, reduction roasting - magnetic separation - leaching process. Single sorting process includes re-election, magnetic separation, flotation and selective flocculation flotation.

Selective flocculation is a new technology developed in the past 10 years, it rely on long-chain high-molecular compound (such as starch, humate) with nature of flocculation force only to limonite. And then through electrostatic and other forces, limonite mineral mud is able to 'bridge' and the formation of flocculation. After the desliming or anti-flotation silicon mineral process, the final product come out and has high iron grade, concentrated, filter performance.

On the basis of in-depth analysis of the various types of mineral processing technology, Hongxing machinery depends on market demand, specially launched the super energy-saving ball mill. It must be a welcomed equipment by market, providing better services to the mining operations.

About Hongxing Ball Mill:

Due to re-election process equipment is simple, low cost, low power consumption, and it does not require the chemical reagents in production, so it gained attention in early years by domestic and international. The process is used for the election in other limonite and martite. But as the big difference of mineral density, the recovery rate is low (up to 43%), grade tailings is high, waste of resources is serious, and it have difficulties in obtaining a good result. Therefore, it has gradually been replaced by other methods.

Single wet high intensity magnetic separation process is simple, easy management, operational stability, adaptability, concentrates easy to concentrate filtering, sorting indicators better than the re-election. But as for fine-grained level ore, the effect of election is not very good.

crusher machine: http://www.hxjq-mill.com/news/hammer_crusher.html
stone impactor: http://www.hxjq-mill.com/news/impactor_equipment.html

ball mill: http://www.hxjq-mill.com/
ore beneficiation: http://www.hxjq-mill.com/products/ore_beneficiation.html 

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"The Concrete Mechanical Changing of Mining Ball Mill" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 1830 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 08 December 2012.
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