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Top Xbox One Games Coming Out This Year

Top Xbox One Games Coming Out This Year
"What are some of the best Xbox One games for this coming year? The Microsoft Xbox One has incredible games planned for release this year. It doesn’t matter if you own an Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox One Elite, or one of the newly released, next-generation consoles. They are compatible across all Xbox consoles. Some are Xbox 360 games, able to be played on other Xbox consoles.

This list contains all Xbox One games that we’re most excited about for you to check out and, if possible, get excited about them too. We’ve put the release dates to find them and summaries for each.

What makes a good Xbox One game? A lot of things, but a good game is fully immersive for most gamers. Without much ado, here are some really good original Xbox One games.

Although It isn’t purely a Microsoft video game, Final Fantasy 15 easily makes it into one of the best RPGs on the Xbox One. The game combines the vast landscape of Western RPGs and the over-done absurdity of graphics that’s unique to Final Fantasy.

The result is a world that has its roots in the highways and back roads of Middle America while being populated with dangerous monsters, gigantic crystals, and magic powerful enough to blow your head off. Sometimes, Final Fantasy 15 feels like a combination of ideas that would make no sense individually. Still, when you combine them, it starts to become one of the best Final Fantasy games ever released.

While Assassin’s Creed Origins may have sparked interest in the series after its break, it’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey that has set the mood and the tone for the future of these games. With its more exciting world and doubly engaging story, this Xbox game tightens up the knots in Origins stories.

Set in ancient Greece, this game has you traveling through the islands, fighting wars and sometimes starting them, falling for whoever catches your fancy, and fleshing out the assassin of your choice. The assassin you create would have an open world to explore and a fantastic journey to make.

The Phantom Pain, at first glance, feels the same as all the other games before it, the same brand of jokes, the mechanical wonders, and conspiracy theories wild enough to be almost impossible. Still, underneath it all, it feels like a very different game. For starters, there has been a switch to wide-open spaces with multiple missions, changing the tune up from stealth-action that most games in its category feature.

This switch-up has made every player into something of a spy action film direction, planning out stunts and executing them in ways that only belonged in movies. The game immerses you in a way that allows you to fulfill your action fantasies.

This game might be one of those slow-to-start ones and is possibly the biggest ‘it gets really good after the first 24 hours’ kind of game, but when it gets good, it skims along good, skips past better, and best, and goes straight into mind-blowing.
It’s confusing where to start. This is a game filled with too much to do. Its Wild West-inspired landscape fleshes out a world with characters going through the turbulence of times as they face head-on a new world taking over before the old one has completely died out. Capable of holding your attention for hours because it’s more than just a game with things to do and stories to follow through. It’s also just a game where you can live.

The long, long, awaited sequel to the classic from two generations back is finally here, or well, almost here. Beyond Good & Evil 2 features characters exploring the universe in a crew ship that’s always expanding.

With its stellar gameplay and interstellar flights, this game makes every second of the 15 years it took to appear worth it, it’s much bigger, more exciting, and the thoughts that go into the plot have become more intense. You should also watch out for the monkeys in space.

Instead of being a spin-off to the uber-successful Rainbow Six Siege, Rainbow Six Extraction is entirely new. A three-player co-op, your characters play as a team of Rainbow Operators that’s sent off to fight a mutated alien parasite that is infecting the human race. Sounds like a lot of fun.

The first Dying Light game had an excellent combination of first-person combat and parkour, seasoning it with more than a bit of role-playing. The sequel hopes to be even better, planning to involve a fleshed-out world to the mix.

The characters and circumstances of the game also change depending on what you do – a concept that has the potential to be great as you have more influence on the world around you. The game’s trailer also shows factions of human beings battling for dominancy, adding a bit of flavor and variety to the game.

An action RPG designed a la Sekiro Shadows die. The game promises to hold you hostage. Co-written by Game of Thrones George R. R Martins and developed by FromSoftware.

Another Lego game is coming. Not just a remaster of all the older Lego Star Wars, this one promises to be a brand-new video game from Lego with plenty of humor and fun-filled adventures. It may also come with an accompanying blu-ray.

This game gives you a character turned during the ‘Mass Embrace,’ an event described as an act of vampire terrorism. Your chosen character now lives in the underworld of Seattle, where other dangerous creatures roam.
An RPG at its core, you’re tangled in faction politics even though you just want to navigate this new way of life.

Even though Somerville has a beautiful style, the bright colors of the design aim to distract you from the fact that you’re going to go on a stressful journey with your characters, the game follows a family trying to survive in the middle of a catastrophe straight out of science fiction.

The battle between the Xbox and the PlayStation has been going on for as long as we can remember. Both game consoles aim to outdo the other in terms of design and gaming console with each release.

The latest installments of the Xbox and the PS5 are no different, intended to be the better gaming console. However, it seems like the Xbox wins this round with more powerful hardware, a vast game subscription service, a library of games spanning genres, and a controller that’s every gamer’s dream.

While you wait for these games, you can also play old games released in previous years on your console as there is the Xbox One backward compatibility that allows you to play old video games or digital games. In some cases, you may be able to access some of these games as a collection (a master chief collection) with an Xbox game pass ultimate or an Xbox live gold subscription.

The Xbox One has a lot of games coming this year, and we’re excited for all of them. Featuring games spanning every genre and for every age of a gamer, the games slated for release this year are sure to guarantee that at any given time, there’s always someone in front of the controller. We hope that this list will influence your decision to play this year." - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Top Xbox One Games Coming Out This Year" was written by Mary under the Technology category. It has been read 579 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 28 January 2022.
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