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Tower fan: Everything works, except the blades...

Tower fan: Everything works, except the blades...

edit: I’m in the process of testing the capacitor on the circuit. See the full story in comments below if you’re interested lol.


"Hi @paskual ,

Hopefully you can re-assemble the motor OK ;-)

Looking at the images that you posted it appears to me that there is a burn mark on what I think may be the motor’s Start/Run capacitor, so perhaps it may be faulty.

Here’s a image showing where I think it is, shown in the red box. Also check out the soldered connection shown by the green arrow as it doesn’t look to good to me but my eyes aren’t what they used to be.

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Here’s a link to just one supplier of the part. It is shown just to give you an idea of the cost of the part. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better.

Just search for CBB61 2.5uF 250VAC capacitor to get results. (The CBB61 is just a brand name so it should be OK if you can get a 2.5uF 250VAC +70 deg. capacitor as long as it can be fitted to the pcb and fits inside the pcb case or wherever the pcb is housed.

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From what you’ve said, the issue probably lies with a faulty power supply. The behavior the current is exhibiting is not normal, and that’s the only thing I can think of, short of the power outlet. (make sure you try a different one) As much as I hate to say, you’re probably better off buying a new one, as I doubt replacement parts for something like this would be easy to obtain. Sorry I couldn’t help more, good luck!

I saw your picture of the circuit board. In the center is a capacitor that has burned up. The fan is now worth six cents a pound as scrap metal. Cost more to fix than it is worth. Sorry.

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