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Ad Type: For Sale | Location: Outside Cebu
| Views: | Comments: | 12 March 2023
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RADIO SERVICE MANUAL1946 STRATOVOX 579-1-58A This listing is for an original Photofact service folder that fits the make and model listed above.This item includes information such as alingnment insntructions, schematics, line drawings, exploded views of the interior, parts listings and more.This manual is 4 pages long.US customers receive FREE SHIPPING on all radio and TV service manuals.  Outside the US?  We mail up to FIVE manuals for the single manual shipping cost!If you are purchasing more than one item, PLEASE WAIT for a combined shipping invoice.

 _gsrx_vers_795 (GS 7.0.7 (795))

 _gsrx_vers_854 (GS 7.0.18 (854))"


1st picture of 1946 STRATOVOX 579-1-58A RADIO SERVICE MANUAL PHOTOFACT SCHEMATIC TUBE REPAIR FI For Sale in Cebu, Philippines

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Tags: manual, STRATOVOX, Service, 579-1-58A, Tube, 1946, Repair, fi, Photofact, schematic, Radio
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