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2013 Annual Nationwide Search For Young Scholars (ANSYAS) of the Philippines High School for the Arts

The Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA), a government-run special secondary school for young artists, is now accepting applications for full scholarship to a special secondary education. The PHSA conducts screening of applicants annually to continuously search for artistically talented children who will be given special training in the following fields: (a) ballet and folk dance; (b) creative writing; (c) music; (d) theater; and (e) visual arts. The school's program is intended to ensure continuing source of artists of excellence and leaders in the preservation and promotion of Filipino artistic and cultural traditions.

2013 Annual Nationwide Search For Young Scholars (ANSYAS) of the Philippines High School for the Arts

The successful applicants will be awarded free tuition, textbooks, board and lodging, a modest monthly stipend, individualized classes with master teachers, and a chance to represent the country in international competitions, art festivals and exchange programs. The scholarship grant is renewable every year upon satisfaction of both academic and non-academic requirements.

Applicants must be Filipino citizens who can meet the following requirements:
  1. Outstanding ability in dance (folk or ballet), music (instrument and voice), creative writing, theater and visual arts;
  2. Graduating Grade 6 pupil this School Year (SY) 2012-2013;
  3. Proficient in oral and written language (English and Filipino);
  4. Good health condition;
  5. Willing to study in a boarding school;
  6. Determined to pursue a college degree in fine arts or architecture; music, dance, theater, creative writing, journalism or any related courses upon graduation from PHSA; and
  7. Not more than 14 years old.
Interested applicants may directly send their accomplished application forms and other requirements by mail or by personally submitting them to the Annual Nationwide Search for Young Arts Scholars Committee, Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA), National Arts Center, Mt. Makiling, College 4031, Laguna. The PHSA Scholarship Application Form is enclosed.

Applicants who qualify in the preliminary evaluation will be notified by the PHSA for further assessment and live audition at a specified Regional Test and Audition Center. The PHSA will announce the exact location of the audition centers by mail.

The deadline for submission of applications is on October 31, 2012.

For further inquiries, interested individuals may contact the PHSA at telephone no: (049) 536-5972 and mobile phone no: 0917-866-3097.
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"2013 Annual Nationwide Search For Young Scholars (ANSYAS) of the Philippines High School for the Arts" was written by Mary under the Arts category. It has been read 2927 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 18 October 2012.
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