Anna Karina P. Gerochi has been working in the First Philippine Holdings Corporation for many years before becoming the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Asian Eye Institute. She is involved in the development of the Lopez Group business excellence programs. She is an expert in planning and performance management for manufacturing and portfolio investment.
Anna Karina P. Gerochi had also been working in the following companies: - Ayala Land
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company in California
In March 28, 2012, she was appointed as the Vice President of First Gen Corporation, a power-producer company in the Philippines.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics (1988), a Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (1989) from Cornell University and an Executive MBA degree from the Asian Institute of Management with distinction (2006). -
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"Anna Karina P. Gerochi" was written by Mary under the Biography category. It has been read 3442 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 29 March 2012 and updated on 29 March 2012.