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How to Apply for New Business Permit in Cebu

Here are the procedures for the application of new business permit in Cebu

(Picture) Snapshot of the Business Permit Application Form of Cebu


Application of New Business Permit

As per Section 5 of the Revised Omnibus Tax Ordinance of the City of Cebu:
"..any  person  desiring  to  engage  in  any  business, trade,  occupation  or  calling  shall  first  submit  an application on a form prescribed for the purpose, to the City Mayor, for the corresponding permit.

"…the business permit is to ensure the payment of the taxes and related fees to the city, as well as to regulate business activities for security, sanitary, safety and propriety purposes."

Businessmen of Cebu City
Zosima Sebes – Acting Division Chief
Contact/Telephone Number: 412-0000 loc 116
2nd Flr, Exec. Bldg / Business Taxes & Fees Division Cebu City Hall
Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM- 5: 00 PM
Renewal: Annually, from January 1 – 20.
Those who are renewing beyond this period are subject to additional surcharges and/or penalties.

Application of New Business Permit
I. For the Issuance of Tax Assessment:
  1. Mayor’s Business Permit Application form duly filled-up (with sketch at back portion of the form) and notarized
  2. Single Proprietors - Certificate of Registration from DTI (if DTI Certification not yet release, duly received application form is acceptable)
  3. Partnership, Corporation, Association, Foundation, etc. – Certificate of Registration, Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws of SEC
  4. Cooperative- Certificate of Registration
II. For the Issuance of Business Tax Payment Certificate:
  1. Tax Assessment
  2. Original Copy of Official Receipt of Payment for Business taxes, fees and other charges
  3. Original copy of the Community Tax Certificate for the current year
III. For the Issuance of Mayor’s Business Permit (must be complied within 60 days from the date of the issuance of BTPC)
  1. All of the documents enumerated under I and II above
  2. Barangay Clearance where the business location belongs with official receipt of payment
  3. Sanitary Permit (while waiting for the release because it is after inspection, employer and employees will have Chest X-Ray and present it to City Health department to claim Health Cards)
  4. Real Property Tax Clearance or Certificate of No Delinquency, if the permittee owns the area of business
  5. Contract of Lease, if the permittee rents the area of the business
  6. Taxpayer’s Identification Number of the Permittee
  7. BIR Certificate of Registration with proof of payment (Php500) of the Business
  8. Business Clearance from SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG
  9. Requirements from National and/or Local Government relative to the kind of business applied for (This will be known after inspection)

Application of New Business Permit
Business Taxes - 0.0005 x Capital Investment
Permit Fee - 0.002 x Capital Investment
City Health Inspection Fee - Based on Capital Investment (max. Php 50)
Zoning Fee - Based on Capital Investment (max. Php 550)
Food & Drug Fee (in case business is food related) - Based on Capital Investment (max Php 150)
Fire Department Fee - 10% of Total Regulatory Fees
Garbage Fee - Based on the Nature and Area of the Business (Ordinance # 2018: Omnibus Tax Code-Imposition of Garbage Fee)
Community Tax Certificate - Php 20 (2% interest per month for late cedulas for single proprietorship)
Corporate Cedula - Php 500 (Basic Only)


Application of New Business Permit

Follow these steps…
Wait while

It will
1.  Ask for the Business Permit Application Form and your Priority Number from the Front Desk Clerk/Secretariat and fill it out.
1. Hands out the application form for Business Permits and the Priority Number.

Less than a minute
2. Ask for your Tax Payment TPVS from the Clerk in the Verification Area.
2. Prints out the TPVS of the business establishment.

3-5 minutes
3.  When your number is called, give the Application Form, together with the TPVS and previous year’s Mayor’s Permit (for renewal), to the assigned evaluator for the assessment of the business taxes and related charges.
3. Assess the Gross Annual Income of the Business Establishment.
Monina Paires

Zosima Sebes

Ethel Porcadilla

Sherilyn Bandolon
Waiting time of 5-30 minutes, depending on the volume of applicants entertained;

Evaluation takes about 5-15 minutes
4.  Receive the signed/approved assessment sheet from the evaluator.
4. Release the approved assessment of business taxes and fees to the client.
Monina Paires,

Zosima Sebes,

Ethel Porcadilla,

Sherilyn Bandolon
Less than a
5. Pay the business taxes and other related charges at windows marked "Business Taxes only”.
5.  Issues the Official receipt for the payments made.
15-20 minutes
6. Claim your Temporary Business Permit.
6.  Releases the Temporary Business Permit after verification of supporting documents.
Victoria Holganza
15-30 minutes
7. Comply with the regulatory requirements.
a)  SSS Clearance – this can be processed from within/
near the BP renewal area.
b)  Barangay Clearance with O.R.
c) Contract of Lease (if applicable)
d)  Previous Business Permit, with O.R.
e)  Sanitary Permit – owner has to apply @ CHD and
wait for the inspection report from the inspection
7. Evaluates the supporting documents.Verifiers:




The business owner/applicant is allowed a 30-day allowance to comply the regulatory requirements.
8. Submit the regulatory requirements to the Verifier.
8.  Approves the printing of the Permanent Business Permit.

Less than a minute
9. Wait while the Verifier approves and endorses the printing of the Permanent Business Permit.
8.  Approves the printing of the Permanent Business Permit

3-5 minutes
10. Receive the permanent business permit (renewal) from the BP releasing Clerk
9.  Releases the Business Permit to the client.
Releasing Clerk
from the Mayor’s Permit Section
5 minutes

NOTE: Application for New Business is subject for inspection of the Business area by the Joint Inspection Team
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Apply for New Business Permit in Cebu" was written by Mary under the Business category. It has been read 24567 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 January 2011.
Total comments : 2
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Is this updated? I can see you mentioned "Ordinance # 2018".