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11th Philippine Linguistics Congress (PLC) 2011

The Department of Linguistics, University of the Philippines (UP), Diliman will hold the 11th Philippine Linguistics Congress on December 7-9, 2011 at the Science and Technology Training Center (STTC), National Institute of Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP-NISMED), UP, Diliman, Quezon City.
11th Philippine Linguistics Congress (PLC) 2011
Picture of 11th Philippine Linguistics Congress (PLC) 2011

The conference aims to:
  1. focus on the most current advances in the study of Philippine languages and in the application of linguistic theory to anthropology, sociology, psychology, language planning translation and language education in the Philippines; and
  2. look into the contemporary contrastive and/or comparative studies made between the Philippine languages and the foreign languages.
The registration fees which include meals (a.m./p.m. snacks, lunch) and conference kits are as follows:
  • On-site Registrants - PhP 3,000.00
  • Early Registrants (on or before October 27, 2011) - PhP 2,500.00
  • Students - PhP1,800.00
  • Day Rate - PhP1,000.00
Registration forms may be downloaded at updling.multiply.com and send together with the deposit slip to ling(u~kssp.ipd.edu.ph or fax to (02) 926-98-87 or submit to the Department of Linguistics, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UP, Diliman, Quezon City.

For more information, contact Prof. Mary Ann P. Gaitan-Bacolod, PhD, UP-Diliman, Quezon City, 2110 - 2nd Floor, Bulwagang Rizal at telephone nos.: (02) 926-9887, and (02) 981-8500 local 2128. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"11th Philippine Linguistics Congress (PLC) 2011" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 3289 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 30 March 2011.
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