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List of Numbers (English to Tagalog Translation)

For foreigners or non-Tagalog speakers, if you want to learn more and deeper about the tagalog spelling or the tagalog translation of numbers, this list will be your ultimate guide. Learn how to count, read and speak the numbers in Tagalog.
The List of Numbers (English to Tagalog Translation) Chart
Number English Translation Tagalog (Filipino) Translation Tagalog Pronunciation (Bigkas)
0 zero wala / sero wa-la / se-ro
1 one isa i-sa
2 two dalawa da-la-wa
3 three tatlo tat-lo
4 four apat a-pat
5 five lima li-ma
6 six anim a-nim
7 seven pito pi-to
8 eight walo wa-lo
9 nine siyam sham
10 ten sampu sam-pu
11 eleven labing-isa la-bing-i-sa
12 twelve labindalawa la-bin-da-la-wa
13 thirteen labing-tatlo la-bing tat-lo
14 fourteen labing-apat la-bing a-pat
15 fifteen labinlima la-bin li-ma
16 sixteen labing-anim la-bing a-nim
17 seventeen labimpito la-bim pi-to
18 eighteen labing-walo la-bing wa-lo
19 nineteen labinsiyam la-bin sham
20 twenty dalawampu da-la-wam-pu
21 twenty-one dalawampu't isa da-la-wam-put i-sa
22 twenty-two dalawampu't dalawa da-la-wam-put da-la-wa
23 twenty-three dalawampu't tatlo da-la-wam-put tat-lo
24 twenty-four dalawampu't apat da-la-wam-put a-pat
25 twenty-five dalawampu't lima da-la-wam-put li-ma
26 twenty-six dalawampu't anim da-la-wam-put a-nim
27 twenty-seven dalawampu't pito da-la-wam-put pi-to
28 twenty-eight dalawampu't walo da-la-wam-put wa-lo
29 twenty-nine dalawampu't siyam da-la-wam-put sham
30 thirty tatlumpu tat-lum-pu
31 thirty-one tatlumpu't isa tat-lum-put i-sa
32 thirty-two tatlumpu't dalawa tat-lum-put da-la-wa
33 thirty-three tatlumpu't tatlo tat-lum-put tat-lo
34 thirty-four tatlumpu't apat tat-lum-put a-pat
35 thirty-five tatlumpu't lima tat-lum-put li-ma
36 thirty-six tatlumpu't anim tat-lum-put a-nim
37 thirty-seven tatlumpu't pito tat-lum-put pi-to
38 thirty-eight tatlumpu't walo tat-lum-put wa-lo
39 thirty-nine tatlumpu't siyam tat-lum-put sham
40 forty apatnapu a-pat-na-pu
41 forty-one apatnapu't isa a-pat-na-put i-sa
42 forty-two apatnapu't dalawa a-pat-na-put da-la-wa
43 forty-three apatnapu't tatlo a-pat-na-put tat-lo
44 forty-four apatnapu't apat a-pat-na-put a-pat
45 forty-five apatnapu't lima a-pat-na-put li-ma
46 forty-six apatnapu't anim a-pat-na-put a-nim
47 forty-seven apatnapu't pito a-pat-na-put pi-to
48 forty-eight apatnapu't walo a-pat-na-put wa-lo
49 forty-nine apatnapu't siyam a-pat-na-put sham
50 fifty limampu li-mam-pu
51 fifty-one limampu't isa li-mam-put i-sa
52 fifty-two limampu't dalawa li-mam-put da-la-wa
53 fifty-three limampu't tatlo li-mam-put tat-lo
54 fifty-four limampu't apat li-mam-put a-pat
55 fifty-five limampu't lima li-mam-put li-ma
56 fifty-six limampu't anim li-mam-put a-nim
57 fifty-seven limampu't pito li-mam-put pi-to
58 fifty-eight limampu't walo li-mam-put wa-lo
59 fifty-nine limampu't siyam li-mam-put sham
60 sixty animnapu a-nim-na-pu
61 sixty-one animnapu't isa a-nim-na-put i-sa
62 sixty-two animnapu't dalawa a-nim-na-put da-la-wa
63 sixty-three animnapu't tatlo a-nim-na-put tat-lo
64 sixty-four animnapu't apat a-nim-na-put a-pat
65 sixty-five animnapu't lima a-nim-na-put li-ma
66 sixty-six animnapu't anim a-nim-na-put a-nim
67 sixty-seven animnapu't pito a-nim-na-put pi-to
68 sixty-eight animnapu't walo a-nim-na-put wa-lo
69 sixty-nine animnapu't siyam a-nim-na-put sham
70 seventy pitumpu pi-tum-pu
71 seventy-one pitumpu't isa pi-tum-put i-sa
72 seventy-two pitumpu't dalawa pi-tum-put da-la-wa
73 seventy-three pitumpu't tatlo pi-tum-put tat-lo
74 seventy-four pitumpu't apat pi-tum-put a-pat
75 seventy-five pitumpu't lima pi-tum-put li-ma
76 seventy-six pitumpu't anim pi-tum-put a-nim
77 seventy-seven pitumpu't pito pi-tum-put pi-to
78 seventy-eight pitumpu't walo pi-tum-put wa-lo
79 seventy-nine pitumpu't siyam pi-tum-put si-yam
80 eighty walumpu wa-lum-pu
81 eighty-one walumpu't isa wa-lum-put i-sa
82 eighty-two walumpu't dalawa wa-lum-put da-la-wa
83 eighty-three walumpu't tatlo wa-lum-put tat-lo
84 eighty-four walumpu't apat wa-lum-put a-pat
85 eighty-five walumpu't lima wa-lum-put li-ma
86 eighty-six walumpu't anim wa-lum-put a-nim
87 eighty-seven walumpu't pito wa-lum-put pi-to
88 eighty-eight walumpu't walo wa-lum-put wa-lo
89 eighty-nine walumpu't siyam wa-lum-put sham
90 ninety siyamnapu sham-na-pu
91 ninety-one siyamnapu't isa sham-na-put i-sa
92 ninety-two siyamnapu't dalawa sham-na-put da-la-wa
93 ninety-three siyamnapu't tatlo sham-na-put tat-lo
94 ninety-four siyamnapu't apat sham-na-put a-pat
95 ninety-five siyamnapu't lima sham-na-put li-ma
96 ninety-six siyamnapu't anim sham-na-put a-nim
97 ninety-seven siyamnapu't pito sham-na-put pi-to
98 ninety-eight siyamnapu't walo sham-na-put wa-lo
99 ninety-nine siyamnapu't siyam sham-na-put si-yam
100 one hundred isang daan i-sang da-an
101 one hundred one isang daa't isa i-sang da-at i-sa
102 one hundred two isang daa't dalawa i-sang da-at da-la-wa
103 one hundred three isang daa't tatlo i-sang da-at tat-lo
104 one hundred four isang daa't apat i-sang da-at a-pat
105 one hundred five isang daa't lima i-sang da-at li-ma
106 one hundred six isang daa't anim i-sang da-at a-nim
107 one hundred seven isang daa't pito i-sang da-at pi-to
108 one hundred eight isang daa't walo i-sang da-at wa-lo
109 one hundred nine isang daa't siyam i-sang da-at si-yam
110 one hundred ten isang daa't sampu i-sang da-at sam-pu
one hundred eleven
one hundred ninety-nine
isang daa't labing-isa
isang daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
200 two hundred dalawang daan da-la-wang da-an
201 two hundred one dalawang daa't isa da-la-wang da-at i-sa
202 two hundred two dalawang daa't dalawa da-la-wang da-at da-la-wa
203 two hundred three dalawang daa't tatlo da-la-wang da-at tat-lo
two hundred four
two hundred ninety-nine
dalawang daa't apat
dalawang daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
300 three hundred tatlong daan tat-long da-an
301 three hundred one tatlong daa't isa tat-long da-at isa
302 three hundred two tatlong daa't dalawa tat-long da-at da-la-wa
303 three hundred three tatlong daa't tatlo tat-long da-at tat-lo
304 - 399 three hundred four
three hundred ninety-nine
tatlong daa't apat
tatlong daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
400 four hundred apat na raan a-pat na ra-an
401 four hundred one apat na raa't isa a-pat na ra-at i-sa
402 four hundred two apat na raa't dalawa a-pat na ra-at da-la-wa
403 four hundred three apat na raa't tatlo a-pat na ra-at tat-lo
404 - 499 four hundred four
four hundred ninety-nine
apat na raa't apat
apat na raa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
500 five hundred limang daan li-mang da-an
501 five hundred one limang daa't isa li-mang da-at i-sa
502 five hundred two limang daa't dalawa li-mang da-at da-la-wa
503 five hundred three limang daa't tatlo li-mang da-at tat-lo
five hundred four
five hundred ninety-nine
limang daa't apat
limang daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
600 six hundred anim na raan a-nim na ra-an
601 six hundred one anim na raa't isa a-nim na ra-at i-sa
602 six hundred two anim na raa't dalawa a-nim na ra-at da-la-wa
603 six hundred three anim na raa't tatlo a-nim na ra-at tat-lo
six hundred four
six hundred ninety-nine
anim na raa't apat
anim na raa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow pattern)
700 seven hundred pitong daan pi-tong da-an
701 seven hundred one pitong daa't  isa pi-tong da-at i-sa
702 seven hundred two pitong daa't dalawa pi-tong da-at da-la-wa
703 seven hundred three pitong daa't tatlo pi-tong da-at tat-lo
seven hundred four
seven hundred ninety-nine
pitong daa't apat
pitong daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
800 eight hundred walong daan wa-long da-an
801 eight hundred one walong daa't isa wa-long da-at i-sa
802 eight hundred two walong daa't dalawa wa-long da-at da-la-wa
803 eight hundred three walong daa't tatlo wa-long da-at tat-lo
to 899
eight hundred four
eight hundred ninety-nine
walong daa't apat
walong daa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
900 nine hundred siyam na raan sham na ra-an
901 nine hundred one siyam na raa't isa sham na ra-at i-sa
902 nine hundred two siyam na raa't dalawa sham na ra-at da-la-wa
903 nine hundred three siyam na raa't tatlo sham na ra-at tat-lo
nine hundred four
nine hundred ninety-nine
siyam na raa't apat
siyam na raa't siyamnapu't siyam
(follow the pattern)
1,000 one thousand isang libo i-sang li-bo
1,001 one thousand one isang libo't isa i-sang li-bo't i-sa
1,002 one thousand two isang libo't dalawa i-sang li-bo't da-la-wa
1,003 one thousand three isang libo't tatlo i-sang li-bo't tat-lo
one thousand four
one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine
isang libo't apat
isang libo't siyam na raa't siyamnapu't siyam
2,000 two thousand dalawang libo da-la-wang li-bo
2,001 two thousand one dalawang libo't isa da-la-wang li-bot i-sa
3,000 three thousand tatlong libo  tat-long li-bo
3,001 three thousand one tatlong libo't isa tat-long li-bot i-sa
4,000 four thousand apat na libo a-pat na li-bo
4,001 four thousand one apat na libo't isa a-pat na li-bot i-sa
5,000 five thousand limang libo li-mang da-an li-bo
5,001 five thousand one limang libo't isa li-mang li-bot i-sa
6,000 six thousand anim na libo a-nim na li-bo
6,001 six thousand one anim na libo't isa a-nim na li-bot isa
7,000 seven thousand pitong libo pi-tong li-bo
7,001 seven thousand one pitong libo't isa pi-tong li-bot i-sa
8,000 eight thousand walong libo wa-long li-bo
8,001 eight thousand one walong libo't isa wa-long li-bot i-sa
9,000 nine thousand siyam na libo sham na li-bo
9,001 nine thousand one siyam na libo't isa sham na li-bot i-sa
10,000 ten thousand sampung libo sam-pung li-bo
20,000 twenty thousand dalawampung libo da-la-wam-pung li-bo
30,000 thirty thousand tatlumpung libo tat-lum-pung li-bo
40,000 forty thousand apatnapung libo a-pat-na-pung li-bo
50,000 fifty thousand limampung libo li-mam-pung li-bo
60,000 sixty thousand animnapung libo a-nim-na-pung li-bo
70,000 seventy thousand pitumpung libo pi-tum-pung li-bo
80,000 eight thousand walumpung libo wa-lum-pung li-bo
90,000 ninety thousand siyamnapung libo sham-na-pung li-bo
100,000 one hundred thousand isang daang libo i-sang da-ang li-bo
200,000 two hundred thousand dalawang daang libo da-la-wang da-ang li-bo
300,000 three hundred thousand tatlong daang libo tat-long da-ang li-bo
400,000 four hundred thousand apat na raang libo a-pat na ra-ang li-bo
500,000 five hundred thousand limang daang libo li-mang da-ang li-bo
600,000 six hundred thousand anim na raang libo a-nim na ra-ang li-bo
700,000 seven hundred thousand pitong daang libo pi-tong da-ang li-bo
800,000 eight hundred thousand walong daang libo wa-long da-ang li-bo
900,000 nine hundred thousand siyam na raang libo sham na ra-ang li-bo
999,999 nine hundred ninety-nine thousand siyam na raan
siyamnapu't siyam na libo't
siyam na raa't siyamnapu't siyam
1,000,000 one million isang milyon i-sang mil-yon
2,000,000 two million dalawang milyon da-la-wang mil-yon
3,000,000 three million tatlong milyon tat-long mil-yon
4,000,000 four million apat na milyon a-pat na mil-yon
5,000,000 five million limang milyon li-mang mil-yon
6,000,000 six million anim na milyon a-nim na mil-yon
7,000,000 seven million pitong milyon pi-tong mil-yon
8,000,000 eight million walong milyon wa-long mil-yon
9,000,000 nine million siyam na milyon sham na mil-yon
10,000,000 ten million sampung milyon sam-pung mil-yon
1,000,000,000 one billion isang bilyon i-sang bil-yon
2,000,000,000 two billion dalawang bilyon da-la-wang bil-yon
3,000,000,000 three billion tatlong bilyon tat-long bil-yon
1 trillion one trillion isang trilyon i-sang tril-yon
Do you have any number or numbers you want us to translate in Tagalog (Filipino). Tell us in the comment below and we will be happy to translate them. Any numbers you want...
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"List of Numbers (English to Tagalog Translation)" was written by Mary under the Communication / Speech category. It has been read 59440 times and generated 14 comments. The article was created on and updated on 02 April 2014.
Total comments : 13
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asd [Entry]

Oh sorry I was just about to ask, how to say 162 in tagalog
asd [Entry]

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kraig [Entry]

3.6 million
Casey [Entry]

How do you say 395,743 in tagalog
Rose [Entry]

Darille [Entry]

Darille [Entry]

Maui [Entry]

358,774.4 how do u say in tagalog
Hannah Jasmine [Entry]

How do you say 2016 in tagalog?
Guest [Entry]

Year 2016 is translated as "Taong Dos Mil Diez y Sais"
Louiejay [Entry]

2.28 billion
Guest [Entry]

Louiejay, 2.28 billion is translated as "Dalawang bilyon at dalawang daang milyon."