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Cebu ROS-VER Pawnshop, Inc. Basak Branch | Telephone Number

Cebu ROS-VER Pawnshop, Inc. Basak Branch

Office branch address:
MEPZ 2 Basak Gate, Basak, Lapu-lapu City
Contact/Telephone Number: (032) 340-6710

Business Industry: Pawnshop - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Cebu ROS-VER Pawnshop, Inc. Basak Branch | Telephone Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 8526 times and generated 9 comments. The article was created on and updated on 07 July 2011.

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Total comments : 9
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gert [Entry]

Hi! I just to ask if you accept laptop?
Jay Nino A. Paquibot [Entry]

Good afternoon mo dawat ba mo og WoW Videoke premium??
Chris Dupla [Entry]

I would like to pawn my LS135 motorcycle... How is the appraisal value...and how much is tje interest rate per month?
Charles Edouard Duca [Entry]


I talked to your representative 2 weeks ago and I informed him that I will retrieve my PC on December 30, 2017. To my dismay, your branch has been closed since then and you don't have any notifications about when your branch will re-open after the holidays.

I am hoping for your timely response. Thank you.
Joel O. Sinadjan [Entry]

Good Morning:
Hi I just want to ask regarding my pawned motorcycle.Today is the last day of my pawned motorcycle which is going to be remate.I have a problem with my receipt which was being lost by my cousin whom he is the one I authorised to pay.I'ved been there in your office today,but it was closed.I just arrived yesterday night.Any advised please..Thank you..
arnansa [Entry]

do you accept sunglasses?..the brand is prada..
Jennelyn [Entry]

If I will pawn my LG E400 now , how much it would be ? Thank you !
kyle fuentes [Entry]

how much do you give for NOKIA E6-00 as pawn? Used for 2 months, no scratches. Good as brand new. how much?