Just a ring of a telephone, it's very easy for you to order your favorite Jollibee meals here in Philippines. Provided below is the contact/telephone number for Jollibee Delivery in the Philippines and in Cebu.
(Photo credited to dbgg1979)
Phone/contact number to all selected stores around the country (Philippines):
Cellphone/mobile phone number:
Contact/Telephone Number of Jollibee Delivery in Cebu, Philippines:
If you're using a cellphone or mobile phone, be sure to add the area code of Cebu: 032. Dial 0322387000.
Do you want to order in Jollibee or do you have any concern with Jollibee's services?
- https://www.affordablecebu.com/
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"Jollibee Delivery Contact/Telephone Number" was written by Mary under the Directory category. It has been read 191114 times and generated 38 comments. The article was created on 13 August 2016 and updated on 13 August 2016.