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Is Myfreething (www.myfreething.com), afreething or thatfreething a scam?

Myfreething, afreething and thatfreething point to the same thing - to a new network marketing company. Thatfreething.com is the main website. The other websites: myfreething and afreething are personal sites that are used for promotion and advertising. Is this a scam? This is a question that lurks in my mind when I received an email today. With millions of online business opportunities out there, it's very hard to figure out which is legitimate or a scam. Network marketers use different aggressive tactics to penetrate their market. Some of them use email marketing that even lots of 12 to 17 year old kids received this kind of emails - advertising their network marketing business. We should never wonder how they received with this kind of emails. There are billions of kids playing and chatting around in the facebook world. Some of the network marketers might even harvests their facebook emails using sophisticated softwares.
thatfreething myfreeting scam or not
ThatFreeThing Picture Logo banner

myfreething thatfreething picture

Receiving this myfreething or thatfreething emails everyday is so annoying. Some of their emails are even received inside the spam folder. You should have doubts if it's inside the spam folder. 80 percent of emails inside the spam folder are scams.

If you received a myfreething.com or thatfreething email and offered freebies that convinces you so much to sign up for their opportunity, you should be aware first if it is legitimate or a new offered scam in the net.

Here's my story and I'll tell you more about the credibility of thatfreething business opportunity.

I received an email from a network marketer of thatfreething. In his email, he offered me $150 cash free but it required me to access their website myfreething.com and thatfreething and sign-up in order to receive that freebie. I didn't sign-up instantly. I searched more about myfreething and thatfreething to find out if its a scam or not.

This is what thatfreething offers you:

    * free mobile
    * free food
    * free travel
    * golden years
    * free discounts
    * paid studies
    * home and garden
    * free clothes
    * free movies
    * free bags
    * free transport
    * free drink
    * a lot more free stuffs...

In order to get this free stuffs, you need to avail their regular membership fee of $9.95 (monthly fee). Their initial sign-up fee is $25 ($9.95 membership fee plus $15.15 initial membership set-up fee). Like other network marketing companies (MLM), you'll earn more from here through referring other people. In order to earn more and get free stuffs from this networking business, you have to work hard training yourself from their training resources (seminar, ebooks and lectures), and work hard referring others to join the opportunity.

Thatfreething is under a company named Graser Fetch LLC. The company is registered in Colorado, USA and according to them, they have a physical office in Denver, Colorado.

Thatfreething is founded by Seth Andrew Fraser. According to thatfreething, Seth Andrew Fraser is known as "Freebie King". He is best known for his book "The Legal Thief" written in 2006. The book is all about how to get free things legally.

But if you search the net about Seth Andrew Fraser, there's no solid personal profile about him. I'm searching a picture of him but couldn't find one.

In my research, thatfreething has no proven success testimonials or success stories of their members. What you can read on other websites are just fluffs, self-promotions and no evidence of earnings/income or getting actual free stuffs.

In the thatfreething website, you can see only a few free stuffs to get but are limited only to available locations. Their free stuffs they posted are located and can be claimed only in the US. I found no proven testimonies of the users or members that they actually claimed free stuffs from thatfreething.

I cannot directly say that thatfreething is a scam. It's up to you to join this business opportunity. I only shared my experiences and ideas about thatfreething.

If you have actual experience with thatfreething and you successfully claimed free stuff from them and earned commissions from your referrals, please share it to us and shed us some light with our doubts and fears in joining this opportunity. - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Is Myfreething (www.myfreething.com), afreething or thatfreething a scam?" was written by Mary under the Earn Money Online category. It has been read 4096 times and generated 2 comments. The article was created on and updated on 03 April 2011.
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