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20th Annual Manila Studies Conference

The Manila Studies Association (MSA), Inc. in collaboration with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)-Committee on Historical Research and St. Scholastica's College will hold the 20th Annual Manila Studies Conference on July 27-28, 2011 at the St. Cecilia's Hall, St. Scholastica's College, Muralla Street, Mate, Manila.
The conference will highlight the various aspects of Manila's history and culture and studies on national history, which are useful teaching materials. Papers will be presented by recognized scholars as well as by young and upcoming academics in their respective fields of research and expertise.

The teachers and students from both public and private schools are invited to attend this activity.
A registration fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP2,500.00) will be charged to each participant to cover expenses for conference kit which include the conference program, abstracts and conference papers (in CD), one (1) complimentary publication, and lunch and snacks for two (2) days .

For more information, contact the following:
Bernardita R. Churchill
President and Convenor
Telephone No.: (02) 921-4575
Telefax No.: (02) 926-1347
E-mail Address: nitachurchill@hotmail.com

Lorelei D.C. de Viana
Vice President and Co-Convenor
Mobile Phone No.: 0917-648-9281/0917-379-6382 E-mail Address: msaconference2011@gmail. com

Marcelino M. Macapinlac, Jr.
Mobile Phone No.: 0917-250-5855 Telephone No.: (02) 567-7686 local 290 E-mail Address: macnoy@yahoo.com.
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"20th Annual Manila Studies Conference" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 1914 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 27 June 2011.
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