The Philippine Professional Linkage from Various Disciplines, Inc. (PPLVDI) will hold the International Seminar/ Workshop on Management and Leadership with the theme Transformational Leadership in the Context of Global Educational Setting on April 10-12, 2014 at the Quirino Hall, Baguio City.
The Seminar aims to: - develop the skills of the participants in handling people;
- appreciate their educational leadership practices and approaches from the different parts of Southeast Asia and selected parts of the world;
- enable them to gain insight on how to utilize transformational leadership in a globalized setting; and
- equip them with the tools to cope with the different causes of change.
The target participants to this activity are managers, leaders, teachers from both public and private elementary and secondary schools, or any interested individuals nationwide.
More information may be inquired from:
Prof. Remedios Molina-Esperon Seminar Training Director Philippine Professional Linkage from Various Disciplines, Inc. (PPLVDI) Block 7, San Vicente, Tarlac City Mobile Phone Nos.: 0933-618-9043; 0926-700-06 19 Email Address: Facebook: philproflink -
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"International Seminar/Workshop on Management and Leadership" was written by Mary under the Events category. It has been read 3137 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 18 May 2013 and updated on 18 May 2013.