Not only will your credit score be negatively affected, but there will also be long-term consequences. Your bankruptcy is a matter of public record and may discourage future employers from hiring you, in addition to guaranteeing high interest rates on any loans you may take out within the next decade. In this scenario, alternatives to bankruptcy are an increasingly attractive, legitimate, and legal way to reduce your debts.
The two most common alternatives to bankruptcy are debt settlement and consolidation. Both options impact the debtor's credit history, but the former has a greater impact on credit scores. Both may necessitate the assistance of a third-party organization in order to secure the best bargain for the creditor. Before deciding which option best fits your circumstances, it is instructive to examine both options in greater detail.
Debt settlement is one of the best alternatives to bankruptcy for individuals with a substantial debt load and almost no means to pay their liabilities. A debt settlement company conducts negotiations on behalf of the debtor to waive a portion of the outstanding debt in the form of discounts.
Additionally, the settlement company can negotiate lower interest rates and a suitable repayment plan to help the debtor repay what is owed within a reasonable and acceptable time frame. Typically, debt relief networks provide a list of companies operating in your area and enable you to choose one based on its performance.
Debt consolidation is one of the bankruptcy alternatives available to individuals who can repay their debts over an extended period of time. A person who desires to consolidate his debt can negotiate with his creditors for a lower interest rate, thereby making the repayment terms more reasonable.
""Debt consolidation and debt settlement are two of the most common alternatives to bankruptcy available to debtors seeking easier repayment options.""
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