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Managing Money While Working Alone

Managing Money While Working Alone
"""Who is in danger?

The danger of violence increases for those who handle cash, prescription medications, or other valuables. Taxis are one of the industries under risk. liquor outlets service stations for gasoline. Pharmacies. grocery stores. jewelry boutiques. banks or locations that give out cash. Please refer to the OSH Answers document on Working Alone - Basic for general information regarding working alone (such as the check-in process and assessment procedures).

What measures may be taken to stop robberies?

These actions can reduce the likelihood of violence or robbery.

Do: Greet every person who comes into the shop or cab. Be cordial and give them a quick glance. When there are no customers, leave the sales counter. If the sales personnel is not located close to the counter, the company may be a less desirable target since thieves like to enter and exit the store swiftly. Reduce the amount of placards and counter-top displays as much as possible. Thefts can be repelled by having good visibility around the counter and from the outside. If you see someone standing in line acting suspiciously, ask the person in front of them, ""Are you together?"" Usually, the person in front will turn around and look at the other person, which could stop the heist. Put on conservative attire (such as your uniform). Keep an eye out for anyone who seems to be loitering inside or outside the store. Contact the police and request a patrol check if they don't depart. Hire more workers or security guards for tasks or times of day that are considered to be riskier. Close your business during times of high danger (late at night, early in the morning). Don't: Avoid carrying any kind of weapon, including pepper spray. Weapons can be used readily against you and are forbidden in some places. Don't fixate on someone. Long-term eye contact could be interpreted as a test or danger. Do not wear jewelry that poses a risk of theft or strangulation. Do not let them in through the back doors. Avoid leaving through dimly lit, unattended areas.

What are some pointers regarding the layout and style of the store?

Ensure clear visibility. Are you able to see well outside, and can outsiders see inside? Create a counter that is deep and high enough to give the employee some physical separation from the robber and protection (while still being able to serve the customer). Keep the cash register in a prominent place that both customers inside and outside of the store can see it. For improved visibility within the store, keep the shelves low. Keep both internal and outside spaces well-lit. Regularly and before it gets dark, check the illumination. When not in use, lock the delivery doors (but be sure you are not violating local fire code regulations when doing so). Use a security system, such as mirrors, height indicators, observation windows, video surveillance cameras, etc. Promote the usage of security methods and precautions. Consider using barriers or shielding for protection if necessary.

What are some money management pointers?

Have a cash management strategy in place.

Maintain as little cash as possible in the register or taxi.

Promote the use of credit or debit cards and other electronic payment methods.

Change what time of day you empty the cash drawer.

Customers should be asked for precise change or the smallest possible bills.

As soon as you receive any significant bills ($50 or $100), remove them.

Use and install a locked drop safe.

Post notices where consumers can see them to inform them that only a certain amount of cash—say, less than $50—is held on the premises.

What subjects should be covered in employee training?

Education and training are crucial. Use of robbery prevention initiatives provided by regional police forces is one kind of training (or security firms or consultants). importance of robbery prevention tactics. how to act both during and following a robbery. Nonviolent conflict resolution and solutions. a plan for responding to emergencies. system functioning for security. Information taken from CCOHS Violence in the Workplace Prevention Guide and Working Alone Safely: A Guide for Employers and Employees, both published by Alberta Human Resources and Employment in 2000.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Managing Money While Working Alone" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 255 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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