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Trip Security

Trip Security
"""What are some pointers for international travel?

It is a good idea to do some study and be organized before you leave home, even if the majority of trips will be fun and uneventful. Government organizations that track safety, security, and health issues associated with international travel are an useful place to start your investigation. Visit Travel.gc.ca to find this and other helpful travel information. Public Health Agency of Canada's Travel Health Canada Global Affairs Here are some advice about traveling. Utilize the travel advisories issued by the Government of Canada to stay informed about the dangers associated with your destination. Take training, and/or modify your travel schedule in light of the most recent risk level. Register your trip with the Canadian government. Inquire about the safety, traditions, and culture of that nation from people who have visited there. Find out about the traditions and cultures of the region(s) you will be visiting by asking a travel agency or doing some research. Bring the necessary identification with you (e.g., a passport). Check your passport's expiration date. Make sure your passport is valid till you get back home (often 6 months after you return is required). Consult your local passport office for the latest information on expiry dates as they may change depending on the nation you are going. Find out if you require any special or extra papers, such as a visa, in order to visit there. Learn how to reach Canadian diplomatic missions across the world (e.g., check the Embassies and consulates directory). Keep a copy of this information at home, the office, and wherever else you go. Make an itinerary detailing your daily and nightly schedule. Give as many specifics as you can (e.g., hotel addresses and phone numbers). If you are traveling for business, give a copy of the itinerary to your point of contact at work and/or home. Make a note of the client's office's contact details if you are away on business. Create photocopies of your visa and passport and store them apart from your actual passport and other travel documents. Additionally, preserve a list of contact phone numbers and credit or bank card numbers in case they are lost or stolen. Keep a copy of these numbers and documents with you while also leaving copies at your house or place of employment. If possible, bring a small quantity of local currency to cover the first few days' expenses. In the majority of nations, you can then use debit cards to withdraw extra money. Whether you want to use your debit and credit cards while you are gone, call your bank and credit card issuers to see if they need to be notified. Your passport (if you don't need to keep it with you while you're there), plane tickets, extra cash, and other papers should be kept in the hotel safe. When you need to carry your passport, travel documents, cash, credit cards, etc., use a money belt. In the event that your wallet is lost or stolen, distribute your cash and credit cards among several separate places and pockets. Consult a travel medicine expert or a travel health facility to determine whether any shots, vaccines, or other requirements are required for your destination. Learn when to start taking medications (such anti-malaria treatments) or how long in advance you should obtain your immunization shots before you travel. Bring enough prescription and OTC drugs with you to last the duration of the trip (e.g., in your carry-on luggage if permissible). In the event that your return flight is delayed, bring some additional medication with you. When through customs, keep the medication in its original container. A prescription with the name and location of the pharmacy providing the medication, the drug name and dosage, the D.I.N. (Drug Identification Number), and sometimes a note from your doctor as an explanation is also required as proof that you need the medication. Think about getting travel health insurance. While traveling, keep this documents with you. Know what you may and cannot bring in your carry-on luggage when you fly. Bring your most priceless belongings with you in your carry-on luggage, if allowed. You should pack your own bags. Never pack anything that could be used as a weapon, such as nail clippers or scissors, in your carry-on bag. Never trust a stranger to watch over your luggage or leave it unattended. Use a distinctive tag, sticker, or ribbon to make your luggage easier to find. To protect yourself and in case the tag is removed, write your address inside your luggage. When passing through customs, be truthful and disclose every item as necessary. Never carry parcels or packages for strangers. It is against the law to even joke about hijackings or bombings when going through customs or pre-boarding screening.

Does the employer have health and safety responsibilities for a business traveller?

In most cases, yes when the travel is for business purposes. This responsibility usually relates to the employer’s general duty to take every reasonable precaution for the protection of workers. Attending training or conferences would also be considered business purposes. In general, a person would be considered “working” when driving or flying, staying at a hotel, or eating at a restaurant. Exceptions may be when there is a personal errand, or if the employee goes to an event that is not related to work activities. Always confirm duties and requirements your local jurisdiction. Employers can: Identify any hazards associated with each travel event and assess the risk. Provide education and training about hazards and risk associated with travel. Develop and instruct workers to follow personal safety guidelines while travelling. Provide a reliable vehicle if one is used for business travel. Confirm that other workplace policies apply such as restrictions on cell phone use while driving, or to use working alone procedures.

What are some travel tips at your destination?

Most business travellers do not expect trouble while away, especially when they are travelling in their own country. However, incidents can occur whether you are in your home country or if you are travelling abroad. As with other aspects of safety, being prepared and aware of potential risks are the key to a safe trip in your home country or elsewhere in the world. Things to do: Use a travel agent or do research using the internet (e.g., user/guest comments, hotel web sites, etc.): Select a hotel in a safe location. Select a hotel that takes extra measures to ensure your security. Make sure your hotel reservations are guaranteed if you are arriving late. Make sure the hotel has the services you need (e.g., Internet, external calling from the hotel room, an in-house restaurant, etc.) Recommend a safe taxi-cab company. Make arrangements to arrive before dark whenever possible. Make sure your contacts at home or work know your schedule and know how to reach you. Use an established check-in procedure. Call your pre-arranged contact (home or office) when you arrive at your destination to report that you have arrived safely. Be sure your office knows not to tell others you are away. Keep some money in an outside pocket to avoid fumbling through your purse or wallet for tips and other small expenses. Read or work while you travel, but remain aware of your surroundings. You look less vulnerable when you are busy. Ask at the hotel for safe areas to visit or walk through in the neighbourhood. They will be able to make recommendations of areas """"not"""" to visit. Even if a restaurant is close by, ask if it is better to take a taxi or not. Consider carrying a second """"dummy"""" wallet to """"give up"""" if necessary. It should contain some local currency, a small amount of US dollars, a few old receipts, and """"fake"""" credit cards to make it look real. Ask about local customs for clothing. In some areas, wearing clothing that is revealing, or shows bare shoulders or skin above the knees is not be appropriate (for either women or men). In most cases, dressing conservatively is best. If travelling solo, ask about the local situation regarding travelling alone. Ask the hotel for their business card or an item with their address on it. Keep a copy with you so you can help direct a taxi driver, or if you need to ask for directions. Study a map before you leave. Keep a copy in your pocket, folded open to the area you are in for easy reference. Take only what you need for each outing. Things to avoid: Do not draw attention to yourself by displaying large amounts of cash, expensive jewellery or electronic equipment. Do not carry large amounts of cash. Use debit cards to get cash as you need it. Check with your bank beforehand to confirm if your debit card and PIN will work in that country. Do not allow your travel plans to be given out to strangers.

What are tips when staying at a hotel?

When checking in, do: Request a room with a peephole, dead bolt and chain lock.

Keep your name or home information private - give the check-in clerk a business card or use your first initials.

Leave instructions with the hotel not to give your room number or name to anyone.

Request a room change immediately if the clerk accidentally announces your room number out loud.

Ask for a room that is above ground level and close to the elevators, but away from stairwells, fire stairs and exits. Other tips include: Check your room immediately for any damage. Be sure the locks and telephone work. Report any concerns to reception. Keep your hotel key with you. Dropping off the key at reception is an easy way for others to know when your room is not occupied. Close the door securely whenever you enter or exit the room. Check that any sliding glass doors, windows and connection doors are locked every time you return to your room. Consider bringing a simple rubber door stop to prevent your door from being pushed open from the outside. Immediately request a security check if you notice a suspicious change in your room when you return. Report any suspicious activity to the hotel management. Do Not:Do not answer the door without verifying who is there. If the person claims to be an employee, call the front desk first to confirm his or her identity. Do not enter the room if you suspect someone is in there, if you are being followed or if someone is lingering near your door. Do not invite strangers or acquaintances into your room or accept invitations to others' rooms. Arrange to meet in a public location such as the hotel lobby or restaurant.

How should I respond if I am attacked?

If you are attacked: Make a scene, yell or scream as loud as possible. Try shouting words like “stop”, “fire” or “help”. If you are being pulled along or dragged, fall to the ground and roll. If someone grabs your purse, briefcase, deposit bag or other belongings, DO NOT resist. Throw the item to the ground several feet away from the thief and run in the opposite direction, yelling “help” or “fire”. DO NOT chase a thief. Run to the nearest safe place - the hotel lobby, an office, or an open store. Call the police immediately after the incident. If the attack does not warrant calling the police, inform your supervisor or authorities at your workplace. Be prepared. Try to imagine yourself responding successfully to different types of attacks. Practice your responses.

How should I respond if I am robbed?

If you are robbed (in person): Remain calm. Be polite and cooperative. Listen carefully to what the robber says, and obey him or her. Speak only in response to the robber. DO NOT volunteer any information. Note the robber's height – use a landmark or door frame to help judge more accurately. Note any other characteristics of the robber such as hair colour, obvious scars, etc. Call the police or security. If you are on business travel, contact your workplace. If your room is robbed while you are out, touch as little as possible. Call hotel security or the police immediately. DO NOT be a hero. Go along with the demands of the person. Give him or her all the cash and merchandise he or she wants. DO NOT stare or fix your gaze too long on the robber. DO NOT resist by fighting or pulling a weapon. DO NOT jeopardize your own safety or that of other employees or members of the public. DO NOT delay or argue. Cooperate fully with the robber. DO NOT attempt to apprehend, impede or chase the robber.""" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"Trip Security" was written by Mary under the Health category. It has been read 231 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 15 January 2023.
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