How to Register Smart Buddy AllTxt Combo Plus
All Txt Combo Plus is an exclusive offer to all
Buddy subscribers nationwide. All Txt Combo Plus is a bundled offering
where in sms, mms, voice calls and texts to social networks (Facebook,
Friendster and Twitter) are bundled into one package.
All Txt Combo Plus has two denominations (P25 and P50) with three variants each (Facebook, Friendster, Twitter):
Validity |
Subscriber Credit |
All Txt Combo Plus Facebook 25 |
1 day |
P25.00 |
100 Smart SMS/ MMS + 10 all-network SMS + 5-mins Smart calls + 40 texts to and from 1 social network |
All Txt Combo Plus Friendster 25 |
All Txt Combo Plus Twitter 25 |
All Txt Combo Plus Facebook 50 |
2 days |
P50.00 |
200 on-net SMS/MMS + 20 off-net SMS + 10-mins on-net calls + 80 texts to and from 1 social network |
All Txt Combo Plus Friendster 50 |
All Txt Combo Plus Twitter 50 |
How do I avail of packages?
There are 2 steps in availing of an All Txt Combo Plus package:
Register online at
Click on the All Txt Combo Plus Banner Ad. You will be redirected to the All Txt Combo Plus registration website.
Select which social network you wish to register to – Facebook, Twitter or Friendster.
Enter your Smart Buddy mobile number.
A verification code shall be sent to your mobile number which shall then be entered online. Input your email address as well.
Upon successful verification, you will be asked to log in to your Facebook, Twitter or Friendster account using your existing username and password. Allow installation of the AllTxt Combo Plus package to your Facebook, Twitter or Friendster Account.
Upon successful login, you may now customize your All Txt Combo Package:
Select 10 friends to follow
Customize your texts to your chosen social network and define how many texts shall be assigned for posting and how many texts shall be allocated for sms alerts.
The default settings for social network texts are as follows:
- AllTxt Combo Plus 25 packages – 10 posts to and 30 alerts from 1 social network
- AllTxt Combo Plus 50 packages – 20 posts to and 60 alerts from 1 social network
Customized social network texts will take effect once you avail of a new AllTxt Combo Plus package. If you have already availed of an AllTxt Combo Plus package, the customized settings will take effect on your next purchase.
You’re done, now get an All Txt Combo Plus Package!
Online registration is one time only. You don’t have to re-register if you avail of a new All Txt Combo Plus package. However, if you wish to avail of all three packages (All Txt Combo Plus Facebook, Twitter and Friendster), you need to register to each SN online at
Avail of an AllTxt Combo Plus package via registration or eload.
After registering your SN account and mobile number at, you may now avail of an All Txt Combo Plus Package of your choice via registration or eload.
To avail via registration:
Subscriber Credit
Registration Syntax
and Access Code
Minimum Airtime Balance to Register
All Txt Combo Plus Facebook 25
1 day
100 Smart SMS/ MMS + 10 all-network SMS + 5-mins Smart calls + 40 texts to and from 1 social network
FB25 to 2526
All Txt Combo Plus Friendster 25
FR25 to 2526
All Txt Combo Plus Twitter 25
TW25 to 2526
All Txt Combo Plus Facebook 50
2 days
200 on-net SMS/ MMS + 20 off-net SMS + 10-mins on-net calls + 80 texts to and from 1 social network
FB50 to 2526
All Txt Combo Plus Friendster 50
FR50 to 2526
All Txt Combo Plus Twitter 50
TW50 to 2526
To avail via eload: Go to your nearest Smartload retailer and ask for the All Txt Combo Plus package of your choice.
Can I avail of multiple All Txt Combo Plus packages at the same time? How many times can I avail of these packages per day?
Yes, you may avail of as many All Txt Combo Plus
packages as you want in a day. SMS, MMS, minutes and social network
text credits will be added up. However, the expiry set for each
package shall remain as is – first package availed, will be the first
to expire.
Is concurrent subscription to other SMS promos allowed for these services?
Yes, you can still avail of other Smart Buddy packages even if you currently have an All Txt Combo Plus subscription.
Will I still be able to use my remaining load if my All Txt Combo Plus package is still active?
Yes, you may still use your remaining airtime load
for other transactions such as calls to other networks and to avail of
other packages.
What will I do if my balance is depleted while subscribed to an All Txt Combo Plus package?
A maintaining balance of P1 is required to be able
to use your All Txt Combo Plus credits. If your balance is consumed or
used up while your package is still active, the package will be
temporarily disallowed until you top up any amount.
How do I use the SMS and MMS credits of my All Txt Combo Plus Package?
Upon availment of an All Txt Combo Plus package, you
will be credited SMS/MMS credits to Smart or Talk ‘N Text, SMS credits
to other networks, calling minutes to Smart or Talk ‘N Text and etxt
credits to the social network of your choice. Quantities will depend on
which package you availed.
For SMS/MMS, you are allocated a certain number of credits for sending messages to Smart or Talk ‘N Text.
For SMS to other networks, these may be used to send messages to subscribers from other networks.
For MMS, you can use these credits to send long
messages, photos and sound clips to other Smart or Talk ‘N Text
subscribers. You can also send emails using your MMS credits.
For etxt, you may only use these if you have already registered online at
Depending if you got the All Txt Combo Plus Facebook, Twitter or
Friendster package, your etxts credits may be used to post updates on
your profile, receive alerts from the friends you are following, and
reply to these alerts.
How do I call using my All Txt Combo Plus minutes?
The minutes you’ve been credited may be used to call other Smart or Talk ‘n Text subscribers. Minutes are consumable so calls can be on a per minute basis or can be consumed one time.
To call, dial *2526 + 11-digit Smart/Talk ‘N Text number. Example: *252609181234567.
Your call will be automatically cut on the 5th minute (for All Txt Combo Plus 25 packages) or 10th minute (for All Txt Combo Plus 50 packages).
All Txt Combo Plus credits only apply to local Smart to Smart or Talk ‘N Text transactions.
What are social network texts?
Social network texts are like text credits that can be used to post updates to a social network or get sms alerts from your social network. For All Txt Combo Plus, your social network text credits can be used for the following:
Posting (Outbound)
Use your social network texts to update your status or reply to posts in Facebook, Friendster or Twitter.
Update your status
Update your status
Post a shout out
Reply to an update received via SMS
Reply to an update received via SMS
Send direct message to friend
Address a message to a friend
Updates/Alerts (Inbound)
Use your social network texts to receive updates on status, comments on your posts, wall posts, and direct messages of the friends you are following.
A followed friend updates his status message
A followed friend updates his status message
A followed friend updates his shout out
A followed friend comments on your post
A followed friend comments on your post
A followed friend posts a message on your wall
How do I post updates to my SN account using All Txt Combo Plus’ etxts?
Outbound Transactions
Update status / post a tweet / post shout out
FB<space><your message> and send to 2526.
Ex: FB Can’t wait for dinner!
TW<space><your message> and send to 2526.
Ex: TW Can’t wait for dinner!
FR<space><your message> and send to 2526.
Ex: FR Can’t wait for dinner!
Address a tweet to a friend
@<space><friend's name on Twitter><space><message> and send to 2526
Ex: @ Anna see you tonight!
Send a direct message to a friend
D<space><friend's name on Twitter><space><message> and send to 2526
Ex: D Anna let’s move dinner to 8pm see you!
Reply to an update received via SMS
Simply reply or send your message to the number that sent you the alert.
Ex: Yup, dinner is at Rockwell.
Simply reply or send your message to the number that sent you the alert.
Ex: Yup, dinner is at Rockwell.
Messages are limited to 140 characters. Messages in excess of 140 characters shall be cut.
All outbound social network texts shall be deducted from the social network text credits of your All Txt Combo Plus package.
How many texts are allocated for posting to the social network (outbound) and how many are for receiving updates (inbound)?
By default, the 40 social network texts for All Txt
Combo Plus 25 are split into 10-30, meaning you have 10 texts to post
updates and 30 texts for receiving alerts. For All Txt Combo Plus 50,
your 80 social network texts are split into 20-60, meaning 20 texts to
post updates and 60 texts for receiving alerts.
However, you can customize your social network texts
and set how many you want to be used for posting updates and how many
you want to use for receiving alerts. Simply go to,
click on the All Txt Combo Plus banner, select your social network,
sign in using your mobile number and adjust your social network texts
using the slider at the lower portion of the page.
What will happen if I no longer have etxt credits?
If you try to post an update to your SN and you no
longer have etxt credits, your message will not be posted and will be
notified via SMS.
You will also not receive updates from your followed friends if you don’t have social network text credits.
It’s time for you to load up on All Txt Combo Plus!
P1 maintaining balance is required to be able to use
your social network text credits. Same goes for SMS, MMS and voice
calls. So make sure you always have that P1.00 balance.
What will happen if I am not registered online?
You will be unable to post updates and get alerts
from a social network via text if you are not registered online. So make
sure you’ve registered your mobile number and your social network
account at . Registration is required only once per social network (Facebook, Friendster, Twitter).
If I want to post an update on my profile, how long can my message be?
Your update is limited to 140 characters. If you’d
wish to post a longer message, you’d have to send several social
network texts.
Alerts from your followed friends in your SN are
limited to 160 characters. To view the complete message of your friend,
log on to your SN.
12.I am not receiving all the updates from the social network account, why?
Remember, you will only receive text updates from the friends you
have selected to follow. So make sure you don’t skip this step in the
online registration process. You can select up to 10 friends you would
want to follow and change this anytime. Simply go to If you don't select any friend, then you’ll receive all updates posted on your wall.
How do I get info about All Txt Combo Plus via SMS?
To get information about All Txt Combo Plus via SMS, simply text PLUS or HELP to 2526. This is free of charge. Other more SN specific help information can also be retrieved via SMS:
For Facebook help, send HELPFB to 2526
For Twitter help, send HELPTW to 2526
For Friendster help, send HELPFR to 2526
All free of charge
How do I check my All Txt Combo Plus credit balance?
To check your SMS, MMS and call minutes balance, text ?1515 to 214.
To check your social network credits, send ETXT to 2526 for free!
Is this a permanent service?
enjoy All Txt Combo Plus from August 6, 2010 until October 31, 2010. We’ll let you know if we’re extending the promo.
DTI-NCR Permit # 5248, Series of 2010
Promo period: August 6, 2010 – August 31, 2010
What is a Facebook Text?
A Facebook text is a text message to and from a Facebook Account. You can use your Smart Buddy mobile phone to post updates, receive followed friend’s updates and reply to them all via SMS using your FB texts.
What is the Free Facebook Text Promo?
The Free Facebook Text promo offers 10 Facebook
Texts for free valid for 3 days. These texts can be used to post
updates, receive followed friend’s updates and reply to them all via
SMS for free!
How do I avail of packages?
There are 2 steps in availing the Free Facebook Texts:
Register online at
Click on the All Txt Combo Plus Banner Ad. You will be redirected to the All Txt Combo Plus registration website. (or directly at
Select Facebook
Enter your Smart Buddy mobile number.
A verification code shall be sent to your mobile number which shall then be entered online.
Enter your email address
Upon successful verification, you will be asked to log in to your Facebook account using your existing username and password, and install the AllTxt Combo Plus application
Upon successful login, you may now customize your Free Facebook e-txts:
Select 10 friends to follow
The 10 free Facebook texts are split into 5 outbound / posts or replies to facebook, and 5 inbound / updates from followed friends in facebook
Customization of inbound/outbound FB texts is for the All Txt Combo Plus package only and is not applicable to the free facebook texts promo.
You’re done, now register via text to the Free Facebook texts promo!
Online registration is one time only. You don’t have to re-register if you avail of a new All Txt Combo Plus package. However, if you wish to avail of all three package (All Txt Combo Plus Facebook, Twitter and Friendster), you need to register to each SN online at
Avail of the free facebook e-txts package via registration.
After registering your Facebook account and mobile number at, you may now avail of the free facebook e-txts package via text registration.
To avail via registration:
Subscriber Credit
Registration Syntax
and Access Code
Free Facebook E-TXTS
3 days
10 Facebook E-TXTS (5 inbound/5 outbound)
FREE to 2526
A subscriber (MIN) can only avail of the Free Facebook e-txts Promo only once during the promo period.
Can I avail of multiple Free Facebook texts packages?
No, you can only avail of the package once from August 14 to August 31, 2010.
Is concurrent subscription to other SMS promos allowed for these services?
Yes, you can still avail of other Smart Buddy packages even if
you’re currently registered to the Free Facebook texts package.
What will I do if my balance is depleted while subscribed to the Free Facebook texts package?
A maintaining balance of P1 is required to be able
to use your FB texts credits. If your balance is consumed or used up
while your package is still active, the package will be temporarily
disallowed until you top up any amount. Keep in mind the 3 day
FB texts are like text credits that can be used to post updates to a social network or sms alerts from your social network. For Facebook e-txts, your e-txts credits can be used for the following:
# of FB Texts |
Posting (Outbound) Use your FB texts to update your status or reply to posts in Facebook SEND AN ESMS TO: |
5 |
Update your status |
Reply to an update received via SMS |
Updates/Alerts (Inbound) Use your FB texts to receive updates on status, comments on your posts, wall posts, and direct messages of the friends you are following.
5 |
A followed friend updates his status message |
A followed friend comments on your post |
A followed friend posts a message on your wall |
How do I post updates to my SN account using the FB texts?
Outbound Transactions |
Update status |
FB<space><your message> and send to 2526.
Ex: FB Can’t wait for dinner! |
Reply to an update received via SMS |
Simply reply or send your message to the number that sent you the alert.
Ex: Yup, dinner is at Rockwell. |
Messages are limited to 140 characters. Messages in excess of 140 characters shall be cut.
All outbound FB texts shall be deducted from the FB text credits of your All Txt Combo Plus package.
How many FB texts are allocated for posting to the SN (outbound) and how many are for receiving updates (inbound)?
By default, the 10 texts for Facebook are split into
5-5 meaning you have 5 FB texts to post updates and 5 FB texts for
receiving updates. This is fixed so you can not change it.
What will happen if I no longer have FB text credits?
If you try to post an update to your SN and you no
longer have FB text credits, your message will not be posted and will
be notified via SMS.
You will also not receive updates from your followed friends if you don’t have FB text credits.
It’s time for you to load up on All Txt Combo Plus!
What will happen if I don’t have P1 maintaining balance?
P1 maintaining balance is required to be able to use your FB text credits. So make sure you always have that P1.00 balance.
What will happen if I am not registered online?
You will be unable to use your FB text credits if
you are not registered online. So make sure you’ve registered your
mobile number and your Facebook account at . Registration is required only once per SN (Facebook, Friendster, Twitter), in this case, Facebook.
If I want to post an update on my profile, how long can my message be?
Your update is limited to 140 characters. If you’d wish to post a longer message, you’d have to send several FB texts.
Why are my alert messages cut?
Alerts from your followed friends in your Facebook
are limited to 160 characters. To view the complete message of your
friend, log on to your Facebook account.
I am not receiving all the updates from the Facebook account, why?
Remember, you will only receive FB text updates from the friends you
have selected to follow. So make sure you don’t skip this step in the
online registration process. You can select up to 10 friends you would
want to follow and change this anytime. Simply go to
I’VE CONSUMED BY FREE FB TEXTS, WHAT’S NEXT? Avail of an All Txt Combo Plus Package!
To get information about All Txt Combo Plus via SMS, simply text PLUS or HELP to 2526. This is free of charge. Other more SN specific help information can also be retrieved via SMS:
For Facebook help, send HELPFB to 2526
For Twitter help, send HELPTW to 2526
For Friendster help, send HELPFR to 2526
All free of charge
To check your SMS, MMS and call minutes balance, text 1515 to 214.
To check your FB text credits, send ETXT to 2526 for free!
Is this a permanent service?
No, Facebook Free E-TXTS is only a promo. You can
only avail it from August 6, 2010 to August 31, 2010 and may only avail
of it once.
DTI-NCR Permit # 5246, Series of 2010