How to Connect a Logitech Cordless Mouse
"Logitech Cordless Mice allow users to have cleaner computer desks because there aren't a mess of wires everywhere. There is no difference in the functionality of the mice, except the need to change the batteries every once in a while. The installation is easy and fast, so you can get started using the mouse just about as soon as you open the box in which it came.
Step 1
Insert the two AAA batteries into the mouse.
Step 2
Power down the computer.
Step 3
Insert the USB end of the cordless mouse receiver into a USB port on the computer. If you don't have an open USB port, you can use a PS/2 port adapter with a USB end, and insert the cordless mouse into the adapter, and then into the mouse port on the computer. When you're finished, put the cordless mouse receiver in a place that's close to the computer, but away from other devices, like keyboards and speakers.
Step 4
Start up the computer. Insert the Logitech cordless mouse software disk and install the software.
Step 5
Press the ""Connect"" buttons on the mouse and the receiver to complete the connection.
Things You'll Need Two AAA batteries
Cordless mouse receiver
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"How to Connect a Logitech Cordless Mouse" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 628 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 29 January 2022 and updated on 29 January 2022.