How to Connect a Microphone to a Theater System
"Microphones can usually be connected to home theater systems in seconds.
Home theater systems enhance the video viewing experience through surround sound and other effects that are normally reserved for movie theaters. You can also hook up a microphone to home theater systems for karaoke and other activities. Connecting a microphone to a home theater system is a simple job that takes very little time.
Step 1
Examine your home theater system's equalizer component to locate a microphone jack. The jack should be labeled as ""mic"" and/or have a small logo of a microphone under it.
Step 2
Check your system to make sure it is turned off. Plugging new components into a sound system that is turned on can damage the system.
Step 3
Insert the plug from the microphone into the mic jack for the theater system.
Step 4
Turn on both the theater system and the microphone to test the equipment and make sure it works properly.
Tip If you are hooking up multiple microphones, you will likely need a junction box. Plug the mics into the jacks of the junction box, then connect the box output to the input of the EQ system.
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"How to Connect a Microphone to a Theater System" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 567 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on 29 January 2022 and updated on 29 January 2022.