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How to Tell If You Have 2 Processors or Dual-Core

How to Tell If You Have 2 Processors or Dual-Core
"Image Credit: Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images A computer with a dual-core processor (one processor with two cores) and a computer with a dual processor (two separate physical processors) will perform largely the same. However, there are some differences. For example, a computer with a dual-core processor puts a lot more stress on the processor. Depending on what you are using your computer for, you may want to know whether you have a dual-core processor or a dual processor. This is relatively easy to find out. Advertisement Windows Step 1 Right click on ""My Computer"" or ""Computer."" The icon can be found on your desktop or by clicking ""Start."" Step 2 Click ""Properties"" from the drop-down menu. Step 3 Scroll down the properties window until you get to the heading ""System."" Advertisement Step 4 Look under the ""System"" heading to where it says ""Processor."" Next to processor, you will see the name of the processor you have. If it says ""dual processor,"" this means you have two processors. If it says ""dual core,"" this means you have a dual-core processor. Macintosh Step 1 Turn on your computer and wait for the ""Finder"" window to pop up. Advertisement Step 2 Choose ""About This Mac"" from the Apple menu. Step 3 Look at the Processor line to see which kind of processor you have. If it says ""dual processor,"" this means you have two processors. If it says ""dual core"" or ""dual-core processor,"" this means you have a dual-core processor. Advertisement" - https://www.affordablecebu.com/

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"How to Tell If You Have 2 Processors or Dual-Core" was written by Mary under the News category. It has been read 684 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 29 January 2022.
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