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Fire Prevention Month Theme 2016

March is assigned as the "Fire Prevention Month". The Philippine government particularly the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) actively promotes the fire safety and prevention awareness in the country. Dedicated to its vision of ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034, BFP is committed to prevent and suppress destructive fires, study its causes, implement fire codes and other related laws.
Fire Prevention Month Theme

The theme for this year 2016 Fire Prevention Month is:

"Kaalaman at Pagtutulungan ng Sambayanan, Kaligtasan sa Sunog ay Makakamtan."
(Awareness and cooperation of the nation can fulfill fire safety and prevention)

The Philippine government progressively enhances the fire department's capacity to fight and prevent fire in the country.

The fire agency promotes the advocacy of fire prevention at a higher level. Fire safety awareness has been preached in the radio, TV and newspapers. The campaign through training and seminars are scheduled to be done on different establishments.

Those fire-prone areas will be visited, inspected and taught about fire safety.

On March 16, Fire Prevention Games and contests will be done in major malls of Metro Manila.

Some activities to be done are drawing, essay writing, photo and poster making contests that promotes knowledge about fire safety to the youth.

The 2nd National Fire Olympics will be also done in Quezon City Memorial Circle.

The agency continues to promise that it will create new ways and more advance techniques to fulfill its advocacy to the people.
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"Fire Prevention Month Theme 2016" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 6346 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on and updated on 02 March 2016.
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