Make your business legal in Talisay City, Cebu by registering it in the City Government of Talisay. Here are the steps on how to apply and renew a Business Permit in Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines.
Prepare the needed requirements: - Barangay Business Clearance and Assurance
- Lot Title/Tax Declaration and/or Contract of Lease
Step 1 Go to Talisay City Hall particularly at the Business Permits and Licensing Office.
Step 2 Inside tthe Office, approach a government employee to the Business Section and tell him/her that you want to apply for a Business Permit. You will be given an application form to fill-out. Your business will be evaluated by the Business Inspectorate Team.
Step 3 Assessment and Payment of taxes, fees and other charges.
Step 4 Issuance of Business Permit
For Business Permit Renewal:
Step 1 Bring the needed requirements: - Barangay Business Clearance
- Previous/Old Business Permit
Step 2 Fill-out an application form in the Business Permits and Licensing Office.
Step 3 Assessement and Payment of taxes, fees and other charges.
Step 4 Issuance of renewed Business Permit -
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"How to Apply and Renew a Business Permit in Talisay City-Cebu" was written by Mary under the Philippine Government category. It has been read 10644 times and generated 1 comments. The article was created on 29 December 2012 and updated on 29 December 2012.